October, 2008
N. Huntley
For our particular civilisation, where it went astray was in the over-emphasis of the intellectual faculty (left brain) and neglect of intuition/imagination, creative abilities (right brain). One could trace that at some early point in more recent evolutionary stages it was necessary to bring in the left-brain quantitative abilities: analysis, logical, rational; in other words, the intellect. To achieve this, the early over-reliance on instinctive/intuition faculties would need to be subdued to allow the intellect to take hold and develop sufficiently to enable problems of more advanced life and survival to be solved, in addition to evolving ultimately the higher-reasoning mind. Unfortunately due to interferences, manipulations and subsequently mutations (other articles have dealt with this) not enough intuition (say, for instance 10%) was retained to enable the intellectual mind to maintain (through this portion of intuition) an acceptance and understanding of the right-brain characteristics: emotion, intuition, perception of wholeness, qualitative states.
As a result of this over-emphasis on intellect, the latter became too isolated, forming its own egotistical state, and believed it could understand all, and that the emotions, intuition, even the imagination were a handicap. Unfortunately the intellect in isolation can never be the higher reasoning mind; it is a 3D machine which gets lost in its own intellectualisations. The precise reason for this is that in such a system (devoid of intuition), the point of thought and evaluation is inside the intellectual system under consideration. The intellect (on its own) is context-dependent. Without intuition it cannot take on a zero point of perception---a point of inspiration (creativity). This is the same as in scientific methodology in which quantum physics, 60 or so years ago, revealed that the observer (doing the experiment) is not outside the system (or truly objective) but part of it and that what the observer is, determines what it can know.
How does one get outside the system of observation or thought? It is achieved by accessing a higher point of resolution---the tool of perception and detection being the wavelength (see article The New Education: Part XI, The Deception of Scientific Progress). The intellect is a computer-type system limited to understanding 3D frameworks, 3D logic, and quantitative states in which the whole equals the sum of the parts (and therefore 3D analysis will work). It cannot get 'outside' itself. Whereas the intuition has the ability to access higher aspects of consciousness (this is a real and substantial entity with a frequency spectrum). These aspects are higher fractal levels in precisely the same way that the fractal twig on a tree is attached to a higher aspect of itself, the branch, which is the next fractal level. These higher aspects/fractals of consciousness have higher resolution capability (shorter wavelengths) which enable the viewpoint of evaluation to be 'above' or 'outside' the system under observation (it doesn't have to be literally outside).
After a sufficient development of the intellect, the latter should have combined with the full intuition. These two would compliment each other perfectly and merge to form the higher, reasoning mind. The left-brain intellect could understand by analysis; it could rationalise, be objective, form independent thinking with the development of sciences, and the right-brain intuition could understand wholeness, unity, great art and music and qualitative states. Further, by means of its ability to access higher aspects of consciousness of higher resolution, it can raise the logic of the intellect and guide it continuously. (The intuition is an aspect of the experiential side of beingness, and accesses the ultimate path of knowledge/knowing through being.)
As stated, the intellect understands quantitative structures, such as a motor car, which is made up of parts, not in special or harmonic relationship. The parts thus must be held together by forces (nuts and bolts, and welding), and therefore the whole equals the sum of the parts. None of nature works this way. When parts are in special relationship, such as resonance, they quantum regenerate a whole energy state, like a collective, which binds together the parts into a true unity (qualitative); not like the car with its parts stuck together by forces. Now the true unity is more than 3D and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This requires the intuition to grasp this structure. Unity is more than 3D and clearly it must penetrate into the next dimensional spectrum of frequencies. This is a space curvature 'window' linking together a lower and higher fractal dimension.
Thus science doesn't recognise that the intellect or brain, or even mind has an input, which is a consciousness/awareness unit with an energy spectrum (not detectable by scientific methodology---see article The Limitations of Scientific Objectivity). Students and the general population, subject to the media, are being brainwashed to believe they are just a brain and a body. The human is far more complex than that. In addition to the brain and the body, there is a mind, basically independent of the brain but utilises the brain to interface with the body. The mind is a energy structure which operates on quantum states---instantaneous states---and generally has to wait for the slower brain processes. These are all machines though: body, brain and mind. The input consciousness has higher aspects of itself; these are fractal levels going inwards into inner space or the 'within'. We picture these levels as going up. The second fractal level is the soul level of consciousness. Note that as already implied, science doesn't detect much beyond the brain and body, and some lower levels (fields) of the mind. Thus consciousness and the universe is fractalised internally (dealt with in other articles). Our subconscious information is generally outside the range of conscious awareness and contains recordings of repressed trauma; also the subconscious will include cellular data---the DNA records which should be accessible by the conscious mind via the intuition (and is at this present time to some degree but a person may not know they are accessing the DNA information).
Our present-day intellect is a combination of the conscious level of awareness, 3D rational memories, and learning programmes. But the intuition and right-brain faculties are not given precedence and thus the 'machinery' and over-structuralisation of the intellect dominates and 'moulds' the conscious faculty to obey it---in a very similar way that a mould or template enforces and imprints its pattern on the infinitely flexible fluid poured into it.
The intuition is not bound by these limitations and can access memories beyond our immediate life and 3D existence, such as higher fractal levels (e.g., soul level) of information/memories and lower levels, such as DNA records/memories.
The 3D intellect can only understand systems when the whole equals the sum of the parts . The intuition can grasp the meaning that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts (such as in great art and music). The intellect thus 'attacks' the intuition and emotions since it cannot understand these faculties and the wholeness characteristic. This is the essence of education and science today, hence the deterioration in the qualitative aspects of existence, etc. (see new education articles).
Note that we accept human aggressiveness as normal. It isn't---it is a mutation, a malfunction. The reason is inherent in the above information. The intellect/science/education, attacks, discourages, suppresses the emotional side of behaviour, the intuition and imagination. But the intuition continues to receive and download information from the higher aspects of consciousness (as does the twig from higher branches). As a result, the energy of the information doesn't flow through, stores up and then releases as lower emotions when/where there are weaknesses (distortions, unconscious areas, instabilities). This then explodes into aggressive behaviour, as typified in our society.
The shocking conclusion we arrive at is that we are involved in a parasitic evolution in which one species feeds off another by killing it and eating it. Note that the ingenuity of nature will accommodate all negative probabilities and create as viable and survival-oriented existence---this doesn't mean it is acceptable or normal. In keeping with the symbiosis of consciousness and technology, amazingly this parasitic condition also applies to technology and consciousness. Our technologies utilise closed-loop instead of open-loop systems (though more like a one-way flow), which tunes into the inner-space currents of creation and in harmony with nature. Similarly consciousness focusses into ego closed-loop systems, isolating itself from those same Divine creation currents (from the 'within' )---resulting in greed and selfishness and most of humanity's woes and misery.