(March, 2001)

By Noel Huntley

An initial evaluation shows that little is known about the true nature of these systems, which we can attribute to restrictive methodologies of mainstream science, in particular, to the lack of understanding of the observation process, and the insistence on the application of objectivity for the acquisition of all scientific knowledge. The term 'holistic' is virtually a taboo word in science, except that a few quantum physicists have used it to describe the quantum reality, and that it is used fairly extensively in an intuitive sense in alternative medicine.

It will be recognised that nature is structured from holistic mechanisms, which are quantum states---undivided wholes but ordered hierarchically from greater wholes to lesser wholes and particles. The wavelength of an oscillation is considered whole; it makes no sense to break it down into parts (unless it has subharmonics). These vibrations are represented by sine waves. The holistic aspect of any property does not exist at the 3D level of fragmentation of ego intellectual (and 3D logical) observation. But this higher-dimensional nonlinear aspect essentially controls the apparent linear phenomena in 3D spacetime.

Scientific knowledge desperately needs to be elevated to higher orders. At present there is no scientific theory which correlates life, mind, the universe, and the spirit. The missing and key element is unity along with the requirement of modeling this state of true wholeness, which can be expressed by the terms holistic, holographic, quantum, gestalt, monad, etc.

What precisely is the difficulty with holistic systems; if they exist all about us, why don't we recognise them? Is this some illusion or trick of nature? In a way, it is. The restriction inherent in objectivity is that it invokes the ego view, which has a duality, but in separating the observer and observed it creates an interdependence between these two states, and consequently a contextual observation (see other articles). This interaction with the universe carries the lower spectrum of fragmented energies. In other words, it quantum reduces the holistic systems of quantum physics to the phase-randomisation condition of the Newtonian reality of separate particles. What also is not recognised is that those holistic states still exist. When a higher-dimensional whole is reduced to parts it retains its original condition but manifests the parts on a lower-dimensional (and vibrational) level to represent its condition as well as possible (on this lower level). Or it may be considered to project its parts into lower orders.. This is why in nature all entities have a wholeness which is greater than the sum of their parts. The whole always contains greater information; it has greater probabilities. Holistic systems bring together the important phenomena of quantum reduction, chaos, fractals and nonlinearity.

We live in a universe of holistic systems, from an atom to the universe. This is the 'clumpiness' which the Big-Bang theory fails to explain. Our present science only recognises composite wholes, that is, wholes made up of parts only; no wholeness in its own right. Whereas in a holistic system its total structure is a vibration or group of vibrations (and the sine waves must be thought of as being as big as the entity itself, such as a galaxy). The rate of vibration of the whole is greater than that of the frequencies of its parts. Science only observes and detects the parts and the universe feeds back a solution relevant to the observation. In other words, the universe only answers the questions we ask. The level of the parts is amenable to 3D logic (this is the Newtonian reality) but the whole requires 4D logic (this is the quantum (holographic) reality), which note, is irrational relative to 3D but is always superior.

Orthodox science models everything by a representation of infinite, infinitesimally small points of energy, whether modelling objects or space. These points are distributed homogeneously throughout the universe. Such points of energy can be considered to be quanta. However, no matter how small one considers these quanta of energy they nevertheless have a finite size in reality, that is, they have an inside, a unity, which knowledge today shuns since 'undivided' aspects of these entities are not understood. These points (quanta) have a finite size and are connected internally, that is, non-linearly through the higher dimensions.

We can see that the smaller we make the points of energy when modelling the natural world the more we can eliminate from scientific consideration the nature of unity. By recognising the significance of this (unity), a whole new field of science is revealed; science is raised to higher orders and we have an introduction to holistic systems.

The universe is made up of entities of different degrees of wholeness; these are fractal levels. There would be no stability if only one level existed. To give an idea of how limited our present scientific modelling is, imagine, say, a sphere representing the universe---a perfect machine. Now envisage a layer of dust formed on the surface: particles out of phase with one another. Objectivity invokes the ego view which is the surface of the universe, which is, in this analogy, the layer of dust only. It is analysed with a view to understanding the perfect machine underlying it. This is why we arrive at a random universe, or a Big-Bang theory, and an understanding devoid of paranormal and spiritual phenomena.

Now, an atom is holistic. It is of slightly higher order (higher dimension) than a constituent particle; and a planet is of higher order than, say, a cell, but lower than the solar system, etc. Everything can be represented by sine waves. Theoretically one could break down (quantum reduce) the sine waves of an atom's holistic condition (Fourier analysis) into its subharmonics of particles: electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. (but the whole oscillation will still be present).

Figure 1 (taken from other articles) diagrams the holistic arrangement of parts within the whole---a pyramid structure (similar to a company organisation). The single entity (oscillation) at the top will have a higher frequency than those below it, and similarly for the others, but all the sine waves will be in mathematical proportion. There is resonance between all the parts such that the whole can function in an undivided manner. Note that when uncorrelated elements are brought into phase they quantum regenerate an entity of higher frequency, which is the collective state of the elements (for example, any of the levels in Figure 1 can create the orders above by this means). Thus even if the whole did not exist first it can be regenerated from the parts (but the parts must have come from some other order of wholeness in the first place). A laser beam is holistic due to the fact that light rays have been correlated. This causes regeneration of a higher-frequency oscillation (vortex) and greater energy, of which the light rays are now sub-harmonics.

The remarkable feature about a holistic mechanism, such as a learning pattern, is that it can be accessed and controlled from any of its parts or sub-parts to the whole. An input can interface with any point up to the whole to keep it regenerated. This has been referred to in discussing learning patterns in the articles on physical mobility. In skills, when a sequence of movements is learned, say, involving fingers, wrists, whole arms, etc. the attention (which controls the input of energy) can move to any finger or wrist or any combination and achieve instant resonance between input and learning pattern, that is, the input covers allinterfaces possible. Control continues no matter when or how the attention is focussed. It is a perfect and instantaneous access system---see articles on physical mobility.

As we have stated, all nature's entities are holistic and if the system is analysed into parts it will not be understood. One couldn't understand completely the human body by studying the cellular level of information, that is, at the 3D level. However, if one penetrated internally nonlinearly into the cell to the next fractal level and beyond, all would eventually be revealed.

A cell's programmes will be in holistic format---a complete quantum state of countless vibrations of information. The precise relationship between all the parts---enzymes, proteins, amino acids, etc.---and the processes taking place, will be known simultaneously at the master control level of the cell (the organ will have a higher master control), in exactly the same way as the learning pattern manipulates information. All frequencies will be correlated, that is, have a resonant component and are therefore in holographic relationship with the whole, with instantaneous transmission of information. The holographic features also extend in time as described in the article on holographic control.

A universe without the property of holism cannot work. There would be no fractal levels---there would be nothing to hold together large organisations. The local connectivity of gravity, electromagnetic and nuclear forces would be totally inadequate. Resonance is necessary not only for locking together conglomerates of particles but the in-phase condition, that is, coherence, quantum regenerates (emergent software) a true whole for the collective entity (see other articles; this true whole can be considered to be rekindled from a virtual-state hierarchy). The universe's systems, solar systems, etc. are incredibly stable---nothing can go wrong unless 'programmes' are changed. (A pattern of oscillations---a wave function--- with specific relationships in frequency, phase angles and dimensions is a programme.)

Without holism we have a planet orbiting the sun due to a balance between the gravitational force and the centrifugal force (as was taught in Newtonian physics prior to Einstein's relativity; an impossible feat); we have an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom, losing energy, causing it to spiral in (no problem with holistic systems---there is no inertia, etc.); the perception of a musical passage which is dependent on the apprehension of no more than the physical sound now (there would be no music); or the perception of a person's face from the particles (there must be a whole, gestalt experience).

Holistic systems have their own spacetime properties, which may be space curvature, in which there is no inertia of the parts. However, in the case of such holistic mechanisms as, say, our solar system, the planets might manifest a small degree of centrifugal inertia due to 3D irregularities in the resonance system.

Einstein's space curvature for a planet orbiting the sun is not understood. If a body is moved in a curved path governed by 3D-to-4D curvature of space it will not in general manifest any inertia (the curvature is engineered spacetime and is equivalent to a straight line for the motion of a normal Newtonian body system). The solar system does (after all) in fact operate on the same principles as an atom as was superficially considered in the out-moded billiard-ball models. These follow the mechanics of wave motion. The planets are by resonance locked into powerful nodes orbiting the Sun.

There are also mental holistic systems. In addition to learning patterns, thought and states of consciousness generally, dualities are involved in holistic mechanisms which may underlie the dualities; for example, perpetrator and victim. The victim attracts the perpetrator. You can't have one (pole) without the other. Note that this also applies to quantum physics conjugates, energy/time, and momentum/position. Holistic systems of the mind, however---that is, of human limited consciousness---are a little different in that, for example, one's focus of attention (which note is whole---a quantum state) simply changes to, say, a small region, it does not divide into elements with awareness of each, separately and simultaneously. We can thus name the former type 'holistic mechanisms' such as an atomic or solar system (the parts are always functioning) and the latter (of the mind) 'holistic quantum states', a somewhat redundant expression.

Thus some principal features of holistic mechanisms are 1) resonance of parts, that is, oscillations in precise mathematical ratios; 2) the undivided whole aspect, which can be quantum reduced to separate fragments and lower frequencies; 3) any part or sub-part can be accessed by mode-locking frequencies; 4) there is no inertia (or there is reduced inertia) of the parts; and 5) all parts work together harmoniously.

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