(November, 1998)

By Noel Huntley

Let us take a look at context in the natural world. So far we have only highlighted specific cases of context, with a hint at the gradient. These prominent fractal levels are merely effects which stand out against a backdrop of infinite energies of the physical universe. A study of this subject reveals that all energies are contextual. Every oscillation, every particle, is related by a gradient of contextual fields of energy up to the inner-dimensions of the universe and therefore to every other particle or sub-whole.

Every point in space, which is basically a mini-black or mini-white whole, or a combination forming an oscillation (this will be taken up in a later article on superspace), can be thought of as spiralling in and out from higher dimensions and the whole universe spiral (see diagram 1, article: The Source of Fractals). However, close to this point-particle level would be stable structures such as atoms. An atom is a whole entity, a fractal level, which would spiral out to the next fractal level, say, a molecule--if it exists--which should be found to have a whole oscillation (of higher frequency than the atom).

As indicated in the articles on physical mobility, this principle is basic to everything. A twig is connected to its next higher-order fractal level, a larger twig or branch, and so on. Further up this spiralling gradient would be a planet, which is a branch off the spiral of the Sun, which in turn is connected up through galaxies, superclusters of galaxies to the universe. The spiral is necessary for transducing efficiently higher-dimensional energies into lower dimensions--this is a matter of geometry. Note that there is no space between the spiralling layers (they must be thought of as touching)--this forms different spacetime frames.

Although every particle (which is like a node, or mini-black and/or mini-white hole) will connect up to the whole, and therefore its random behaviour would be known from the higher level (or at least statistically), a study of chaos theory indicates that this higher-level information is disconnected during the chaos phenomenon. We mentioned 'vertical' and 'horizontal' oscillations in The Meaning of Duality. It appears that in the phenomenon of chaos the vertical oscillation has gone out of phase with the horizontal oscillation of 3D spacetime; an example of the latter would be the positive/negative oscillation making up our matter structures. At least we can with certainty state that displacements have occurred in the contextual gradient.

Let us just recap on what we mean by contextual gradient. A twig exists in the context of the branch to which it is connected. The fingers move in the context of the wrist position, etc. An atom is in the context of the planet, which is in the context of the solar system, etc. In a company organisation, the ground-floor workers function in the context of the management level, which is ultimately in the context of the president's control.

The chaos phenomenon, which is turning out to be as exciting and significant a subject as quantum theory, is thus due to the displacement of contextual quantum fields. This also applies to chaos in the mind. When a person's context is incorrect they will behave irrationally or insanely.

Let us use the simple analogy of the company pyramid organisation. Consider just four levels: level A, president; level B, executives; level C, managers; level D, ground-floor workers.

Although these can represent prominent fractal levels, we must keep in mind the fine gradient between these levels (that is, between president, sub-president, sub-sub-president . . . , etc.). This pyramid structure represents the higher-dimensional holographic configuration. The entities, 'president', 'executives', etc. that is, at A, B, C, D, are energy oscillations of particular frequencies--higher towards A.

The 3D surface view, or ego perception of the universe is the awareness of the ground-floor workers only--the random particle level. We could consider at this level, D, that the workers operate in groups with random behaviour for the individuals but ordered behaviour statistically for the group to correspond to scientists' observations of the 'random' universe.

Our current science does not recognise levels A, B, C. These energies act in inner, higher-dimensional space but all can be considered superimposed. The frequency difference is the main distinguishing feature and phase angle of frequencies. (The reader may find it helpful to keep in mind that the workers, level D, corresponds to particles; level C could be a planet; and level B, a solar system, etc. On the other hand, our pyramid structure could represent a minute element taken from the whole, say, particles (D), to atoms (C), to molecules (B), to cells (A), etc., or even finer. Also that, for example, the planet entity (C) is not visible in 3D, that is, its whole oscillation does not manifest a visible structure to our physical perceptions--and so on.)

Thus on the basis of orthodox science only the ground-floor workers would be observed. Scientists have attempted to understand this surface layer of the universe--level D-- by examining and postulating linear relationships only, for example, supposing the workers were taking a break (corresponding to the non-existence of levels A, B, C). (The universe never does this, of course.) We could observe a linear relationship in their behaviour. Each person (or group) responds on a one-to-one basis with the other. However, observations of the universe do not correspond with this. We have to consider events when the full organisation of the company is in operation to compare with the universe.

Now, under these true conditions (the universe, or the company in operation), if we observe the workers we see a behaviour which does not make sense on the basis of linearity. Several workers, groups, or departments are coordinated without the presence of explanatory communication at level D. They are of course responding to higher levels, C, B, A, and unless these higher, inner levels are recognised, the ground-floor workers will not be understood.

If we imagine a displacement of, say, a manager or executive, contexts become entangled and we have chaos. Let's say, a manager is displaced. This manager would normally format the greater geometry of the energies (in wholeness and frequency) from an executive so that it is compatible (by the operation of transduction and phase-correlation) for the appropriate ground-floor workers. However, without the manager, the geometry of the energy (dimensionally and frequency-wise) from the executive, level B, now passes through to level D, which is too great for level D, causing at level D many workers to operate as one whole but segregated illogically from the rest. The behaviour is no longer predictable. Too many probabilities will be impinging at D, which are not distinguished (viewed by Fourier analysis), causing different fractal levels--wholenesses--to 'jump' into level D. Remember, there are countless potential fractal levels between D and C, etc.

On the other hand, we see the potential for perfect control or harmony and thus how context gives order, stability and predictability through the hierarchy (A, B, C, D). Every single contextual level, say, between A and B in the universe is necessary for perfect operation. The levels are so close they are virtually identical but the 'lower' one operates in the context of the next 'higher' one--not the one above or any other. This is difficult for our limited logical (3D) conscious minds to grasp. However, a simple example of this gradient as applied to arm/hand movements, would be to consider the arm, from fingers to shoulder, to be prehensile, that is, no isolated specific joints. This can also be used as an analogy. We can see that whereas the finger position or movement in the normal arm is in the context of the wrist, there is a rigid fractal 'space' between them. One might ask what the advantages are of having the 'prehensile' gradient; the finger is capable, in working with the wrist, of executing any direction and occupying any position in the particular space. This is fine for the purpose of finger movements (though the prehensile movement would be very advantageous in other respects), but as applied to all other phenomena we must have the gradient so that every point in space is a potential 'pivot' or reference point (one could then have the 'joints' anywhere between the existing finger/wrist joints).

We have mentioned that mind is structured similarly to the universe. Let us give an example of the contextual gradient in memory storage.

There is no reason why we shouldn't assume that the mind records all data from the perceptions immediately. That is, that basically we have a perfect memory in the sense that every perceptic element of experience is stored immediately. However, the problem is thus not one of memory but accessing the memory. We don't access memories as an early computer would by examining every bit of information in sequence until the required bytes of information are located (in a more advanced computer there would be compartmentalisation of course), but the principle still applies; it is still essentially linear.

We find that humans merely home into the location of the memory---as could be appreciated from a holographic relationship in which each part is connected to the whole. The initial conditions of the intention will include the end result, unconsciously, and it is only necessary to home into this desired location. The location of the required memory data, it seems, links through a gradient of widening contextual fields to self-recognition and observation of what one is doing or intending. This latter mode is the individual's reference and present time and doesn't require any memory. Or vice versa to locate the memory we home in from the widest context through narrower ones and focus on the destination.

Particularly important is the subject of context in the experimental set-up. Quantum physics revealed that the experimenter/observer is operating in the context of the experimental setup The observer is not truly objective in the observation. Automatically the boundary and limits of a context are taken as zero. But this zero will be relative to a larger context---in particular, if the observer is inside the context (of the experiment). This means only relative results will be obtained. Science is not measuring true physical constants---they are only constant relative to a particular range. See articles: 1) The Two Hidden Stumbling Blocks Inherent within Experimental Science, and The Deception of Scientific Progress in the New Education section. Thus even in science, experimental results are contextual; in this case based on the context of what can be perceived or detected with scientific instruments and physical senses.

The preceding material is a brief presentation and analysis of the meaning of context in the physical universe, and shows how a contextual gradient is the basis of fractal levels (specific contexts) and how stability is achieved, or lost as in chaos.

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