Some resources about online learning and communities

Nogbad the Bad

Bear in mind that I work with adults and thus the resources here are aimed at that audience. There are resources available aimed at younger age groups.

Notes about the resource
Adult Learning Online
A paper by Dr Tammy Dewar which looks at how adults learn online.
How Online Social Networks Benefit Organizations
By Lisa Kimball and Howard Rheingold. Rheingold is one of the earliest writers on online communities and "The Virtual Community" is still one of the best books about how communities work online.
The Sloan Consortium
Institutions and Organizations committed to quality online education.
Australian resource about critical thinking
Web Forum
Or How Computer-Mediated-Communication Enhances Student Interaction and Peer Mentoring. In addition to an interesting paper there are some great links.
Effective Learning and the Virtual Learning Environment
The relationship between the VLE and effective learning.
Herding Cats through Piccadilly Circus
Key Facilitation Skills for Effective Online Discussion Groups: Herding Cats through Piccadilly Circus.
Analysing the effectiveness of online learning communities
Offers a framework (the three Ps) for analysing online learning.
From the University of Leicester
The presentation, "Supporting learners online", which I gave at the OU R13 AL Conference in May, 2005. A single left click should run the presentation, right click and select "Save target as.."

Let me know if you found these resources useful, if any links are broken or if you know of others I should include.

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