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Survive studying with The Open University


A key point to remember is that it is not necessary to read every word of the course material or follow every link!

Some study tips

Let's look at some basic tips for studying. Please remember we all study in our own way and at our own pace. If you are starting to get stuck or fall behind this bit is for you. You could also check out the section on Michelle Dewey's site which deals with study tips.

  • Don't panic!!!!
  • Ask for help.
  • If you are struggling to fit everything in concentrate on doing only what you need to do - not everything that you want to do!
  • Relax and take a break. Worrying about it won't fix it but thinking about it usually will.

  • Use the conferencing facilities - even the action of writing a problem in a message can help clear the blockage.

  • Ring another student and chat about what you are stuck on.

  • Ring your tutor (Not at 2am) and ask for help.

  • Ring your Counsellor.(Not at 2am)

  • Ring Study Support at your Regional office

Some helpful contact numbers

These are a few useful contacts. Make a note of them and keep them close at hand!
Academic Computer Services 01908 653972
Regional Office (Region 13) - Study Support 01342 322642
Regional office email address (This is Region 13 but they all follow the same format) R13@open.ac.uk
Read how other students cope OU Guru - Students