
General Documents

The History of the Church: The full text of the history leaflet on sale in the church.

Three Year Plan: The Church Council has been working on a set of priorities for the next few years. Read all about it here.

Articles from the Church Magazine: The GRIDIRON

The GRIDIRON: An article from the very first issue of the church magazine, explaining the name. GRIDIRON - Feb 1999

Lent 1999: Pastoral letter for Lent. GRIDIRON - Mar 1999

What's going on then?: A guide to the communion service - Part 1. GRIDIRON - Feb 1999

What's going on then?: A guide to the communion service - Part 2. GRIDIRON - Mar 1999

What's going on then?: A guide to the communion service - Part 3. GRIDIRON - Apr 1999