Captain Proton to the Rescue
by Wendy Parkinson

This is my first attempt at a J/P fic (actually, it's my first attempt at a Voyager fic) so any feedback will be much appreciated. I think it probably rates as a PG.
Voyager belongs to Paramount, not me, and I'm not making any money from this story (wish I was.....)
The story is set immediately after "Night". (And please bear in mind that at the time of writing I hadn't seen The Bride of Chaotica.....)


"And then she opened the front of the robot and pulled the plug! She just doesn't get it, Captain."
"Tom, she's making progress. A few months ago, you wouldn't have got her onto the holodeck unless it was a direct order."
"Yeah, you've got a point. But I would still love to have someone play Constance Goodheart as she was written."
He looked around the mess hall despondently, then went back to pushing his lunch round his plate.
"B'Elanna?" I suggested.
"Far too aggressive. She destroyed the robot in about thirty seconds." He glanced up at me glumly. "And she won't scream."

I tried not to laugh. It was hard under the circumstances. Then I realised he was staring at me.
"Yes, Tom."
"Would you like to give Constance a try?"
I must have looked doubtful because he continued, "Consider it a reprieve from the burden of command?"
The way he pleads with those baby blues it's no wonder he got the reputation of being a ladies' man. It's difficult to refuse him anything when he does that. I found myself nodding.

"OK mister, you're on! Tomorrow at 2100?"
His face was split by a beaming grin.
"You've got a date, Captain!"
Then he stopped and I'd swear he blushed when he realised what he'd just said. I laughed as I got up to leave. I patted him on the shoulder as I walked past him.
"See you tomorrow, Tom. Holodeck One."

The following day I was in Constance's costume and just about ready to meet Tom. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. The dress was a little more revealing than I would choose normally, even for a party, and the stiletto heels were taking some getting used to. I had been pacing up and down my quarters until I finally satisfied myself that I wasn't going to fall flat on my face.

As I opened the door and stepped nervously out into the corridor I found myself hoping I didn't run into Chakotay or Tuvok on the way to the holodeck. I could imagine their reactions. My second in command would think I'd lost my mind going to meet Tom Paris in this dress and would probably suggest we had dinner together instead. And my chief of security would raise one Vulcan eyebrow and say something like, "I see". I never knew anyone who could ooze disapproval in quite the same way as Tuvok. Feeling like a teenager trying to avoid her parents, I smiled to myself and hurried on my way.

When I reached the holodeck, Captain Proton was already running. I keyed the panel and walked in.
"Captain!" Tom bounded up to me. "I'm so glad you came. You look amazing."
"Amazingly tarty," I muttered under my breath.
"I wouldn't say that," he replied, his eyes twinkling. "I'd say sexy."
I found myself blushing under his scrutiny. He seemed to sense my discomfort and carried on.
"You don't look like 'the Captain'. That's what's important!"

The next hour passed unbelievably quickly. I really got into the spirit of the thing. I chased after Tom (sorry, Captain Proton), I simpered, I ran away from the robot, I uttered complete drivel ("Only you can save the Universe, Captain Proton!") and on one occasion I even screamed. When I did that, Tom turned to me, flashed me a huge grin and mouthed, "Thank you". Smiling at him self-consciously I couldn't help reflecting that Tom had been right. The program had provided a welcome break from always being the Captain.

We were almost at the end of the chapter. I'd been taken prisoner and tied up by the bad guy when Tom burst into the room shouting,
"Captain Proton to the rescue! Don't fear, Constance! I'll save you from the clutches of this madman."
Giving a wonderfully over the top performance, he shot Dr.Chaotica with his laser gun and rushed over to me. As he untied me he murmured,
"I said I'd save you, Constance."
Clutching my hands to my chest, I replied as melodramatically as I could manage, "Captain Proton! My hero!"
He looked me straight in the eye and said softly, "Oh Constance, you are so beautiful!"

Then he placed his hands gently on my shoulders, leant down and kissed me full on the lips. To start with I was too stunned to move, but as he held me tighter and deepened the kiss I found myself responding. When he pulled away, he smiled mischievously, wiggled his eyebrows and whispered,
"Told you it would be fun, didn't I?"

I'm meeting him at 2100 hours tomorrow for chapter two......

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