Constance Goodheart Saves the Day
by Wendy Parkinson

Summary: Kathryn meets Tom for chapter two of Captain Proton.
Rated PG.

Everything belongs to Paramount - I'm just playing. I'm not making any money from this story - wish I was!

This is a sequel to my previous story Captain Proton to the Rescue (also on this site) - I recommend you read that first otherwise I don't think this will make much sense.


I was sitting in my command chair on the bridge staring sightlessly at a Padd and giving myself a serious talking to.

*Kathryn Janeway, you're behaving like an adolescent. Pull yourself together, woman! You're a Starship Captain not some love struck teenager!*

A few minutes earlier, I'd found myself gazing dreamily at the back of my helmsman's head, wondering what it would feel like to run my fingers through that blonde wavy hair. I was touching my lips, remembering our kiss the night before when a voice penetrated my reverie.

"Captain..... Captain..... Kathryn!" hissed my second in command. "Are you all right?"
"Mmm, yes.... sorry. Not really very interesting you know?"
I waved the Padd I was holding vaguely in his direction and smiled half-heartedly. Sometimes I'm grateful we don't have any genuine telepaths on board. In an attempt to radiate efficiency I glanced round the bridge, trying not to stare at Tom, then went back to studying the Padd intently.

Hence the talking to....

*It's just hormones. After all, how long is it since you've been kissed properly by a man, a real man, not some holocharacter? Four years at least. It's just hormones. Let it go, Kathryn, it meant nothing to him. It was just part of the program, a little fun. You were playing the part of his girlfriend, so he kissed you. So what? And in any case, he's seeing B'Elanna who just happens to be a fiery half Klingon who'd tear you limb from limb if she knew what you were thinking, command structure or no command structure.

And of course, you know his father. Remember Admiral Paris, Captain Paris he was then, telling you about his son? How he was a natural pilot, how proud of him he was. Tom's too young for you to be thinking about him like this. You can remember when he was a boy.*

My eyes left the Padd and moved of their own volition straight to the helm. Tom turned round as if he knew I was watching him and smiled.

*He's not too young, he's a grown man with twinkling blue eyes.*

Twinkling? I really was losing it. Before anyone else noticed I decided to resort to protocol.
"Report, Lieutenant?"
"Everything's fine, Captain."
He turned back to the controls. I could deal with this, he's just a good friend, I could behave professionally.

I fled to my ready room.

But of course I was meeting him tonight for chapter two......

Getting ready that evening I could feel butterflies in my stomach. This was ridiculous, I was behaving like a high-schooler on her first date. I took a couple of deep breaths and inspected myself in the mirror. I smiled. Same as yesterday, still amazingly tarty.

As I opened the door, I wondered if I might run into Chakotay or Tuvok. Tonight I didn't really care, I knew I was going to enjoy myself and forget I was the Captain for a while. In a rebellious way I rather hoped I did see one of them. I rather liked the idea of shocking them rigid. Sometimes they can be much too serious. I was only going to the holodeck with a junior officer. I don't think that's grounds to relieve me of duty. Well, it isn't yet, but those two might try....

Waiting for the turbolift I heard footsteps behind me. It was Chakotay. He virtually ran up as the doors opened and I stepped in. When he realised that it was me the look on his face was priceless. A kind of outraged shock which turned to worry when I told him where I was going and with whom.
"Kathryn, are you sure that's such a good idea? That dress is incredibly...."
He couldn't bring himself to say it so I helped him out.
I think he blushed, but he's so dark it can be difficult to tell.
"I was going to say provocative."
"Same thing."
"Not exactly."

The turbolift doors opened and I began to move towards them.
"Well, Chakotay, much as I enjoy debating semantics with you, I really have to go. I promised Tom I'd meet him at 2100 hours."
He stepped forward quickly and grabbed my arm.
"Have dinner with me. Forget the holodeck."
I couldn't tell if he was worried or jealous. Either way, I wasn't about to stand up Captain Proton.
"Sorry, Commander. Not tonight."

I left him standing in the turbolift, his arm still outstretched. It's funny, but the crew think that eventually Chakotay and I will get together, if we haven't already. A kind of dynastic union, I guess. Very appropriate and completely boring. I know we work well together and I count him as my best friend but we didn't even sleep together on New Earth when he was literally the only man on the planet. Sometimes I get the feeling he wants to take things further but he's never said anything directly and anyway it'd ruin our working relationship. I think he knows that.

I was almost at the holodeck when I saw Tuvok coming the other way. His face was its normal Vulcan mask of calm but as his eyes flicked down my dress, paused at the high heeled shoes, then returned to my face I could tell he was upset. OK, the word 'upset' is relative with a Vulcan..... I noticed a slight twitch of his mouth.

"Captain. Could I ask where you are going?"
He might as well have added 'dressed like that' because that was what he meant.
"I'm joining Lieutenant Paris for his Captain Proton program in holodeck one. I'm playing Constance Goodheart, Captain Proton's secretary."
He raised one eyebrow and looked at me in the way only Tuvok can.
"I see."
"Got to go, I'm running a little late."

He nodded then carried on down the corridor. As I glanced over my shoulder at his departing back I hoped fervently that I wasn't as predictable as Chakotay and Tuvok.

When I entered the holodeck I couldn't see Tom. I was standing in what I guessed to be some kind of spaceship. The walls were covered with knobs and dials. An occasional flashing light broke the monotony. There were a couple of round windows, reminiscent of ship's portholes, at about head height on either side of the room. Hearing a noise to my left, I noticed a small hatchway near the floor. I crouched down in front of it.
His head suddenly appeared in front of me.
"Captain! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Let me get out of here."

"Look Tom, we're off duty. In fact, in here you're the Captain. Why don't you call me Kathryn?"
As he emerged from the hatchway and dusted himself down he had a strange expression on his face. A touch of surprise and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on.
"I'd be honoured... Kathryn."

I felt a slight shiver run through me when he said my name. To cover my confusion I tried to get into character. "So what are we doing today, Captain Proton?"
He grinned. "Saving the universe, Constance!"
He led me over to a chair on the other side of the room.
"We're going to Mars. I've been told there are little green men there causing trouble."
"Little green men?"
"Yes, the scourge of the galaxy!"
I giggled. It was all so wonderfully over the top I couldn't help it. He smiled back then continued, "The ride can be a little rough when we take off. You need to be properly strapped in."

I settled myself into the seat and tried to fasten the straps. There seemed to be far too many and I couldn't work out where they were all supposed to go. Tom noticed I was struggling.
"Here, let me. I think this is easier for someone else to do for you."

As he was talking he leant right over me to retrieve a strap that was aggravatingly out of my reach. Grabbing it, he began to straighten up and glanced over at me when our faces were inches apart. He stopped dead and licked his lips. Our eyes locked, I couldn't look away. His blue eyes were boring into mine, electricity crackling between us. I was convinced he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face. Then suddenly I saw him swallow and he looked away. He finished strapping me in without looking into my eyes once. Turning away from me he went over to the pilot's seat.

Neither of us said a word. I don't know what was running through his mind but mine was in turmoil. I had spent the last twenty four hours telling myself that my reaction to Tom's kiss had been hormonal and he couldn't possibly feel the same way. Now he was behaving like he did feel something and I had no idea how to deal with it.

Tom's voice brought me back to reality.
"Constance, brace yourself. We're ready to take off!"
He'd fastened himself into the pilot's seat and was flicking switches and turning dials as if his life depended on it. It crossed my mind that he was nervous and using the activity as a distraction.

"Five, four, three, two, one..... blast off!" he shouted.
The rocket shook violently as it began to lift off the ground. I grasped the arms of the chair to steady myself. As we rose into the air I was thrust back hard. It felt like a heavy weight was pressing on my chest. This rocket certainly didn't have inertial dampers. Gradually the shaking subsided and I found myself watching Tom.

What had almost happened? Had I imagined it? I really had to try and get a grip. Tom was resolutely piloting the rocket, his eyes never leaving the controls. I could see beads of sweat standing out on his forehead as he concentrated. For him he was being very quiet. I felt an irrational need to say something, to break the silence that was hanging between us. I blurted out the first thing that came into my head.
"So how are things between you and B'Elanna?"
I winced as soon as the words left my mouth. What was I thinking? And I'm supposed to be a trained diplomat. He twisted round in his chair, his mouth open in surprise.

"I..... er ....... we...... well..... Don't you know?" he stammered.
"B'Elanna and I split up a few weeks ago when we were in the void. It's been pretty amicable, I guess. We'd just drifted apart." He hesitated. "I guess you were busy."
"I had a few problems," I replied vaguely, looking at the floor. My behaviour while we were travelling through that vast area of nothingness was not something I was particularly proud of. And I certainly didn't want to discuss it.

He looked at me and smiled gently. "We missed you. It didn't seem right when you weren't around. I'm glad you're back."
I was touched by his frankness and returned the smile. Our eyes met for the first time since.... well, 'before'. This time there was just friendliness and respect in the exchange, exactly the qualities I'd come to expect from Tom Paris.

A control panel began to bleep and he turned away to deal with it.
"Approaching Mars!" he announced. "Hang on, this could get a little bumpy!"
There was an ear-splitting roar and the rocket shook as Tom fought with the controls. My knuckles were going white as I gripped the chair arms, my breath was coming in short gasps. The holoprogram was incredibly realistic, it really felt like Captain Proton's spaceship was about to come apart at the seams. Smoke was beginning to seep into the cabin, making my eyes smart. Then with a bone jarring jolt the rocket touched down.

"Welcome to Mars, Constance!" He stood up and waved his arm towards the window with a flourish. I unbuckled myself, grateful that at least the safety harness was easy to get out of.
"Thank you, Captain Proton," I replied as I tottered to my feet. I was going to have to replicate some different shoes for chapter three, these were downright dangerous. I'd end up in sick bay with a sprained ankle at this rate and I could just imagine the Doctor's reaction when I explained my injury.
*You were on the holodeck with Mr. Paris? You fell off your shoes? I'm afraid that's definitely grounds to relieve you of duty. You're obviously unstable.*

Of course, the old sourpuss has a pretty low opinion of Tom, which wouldn't help matters. I guess he wouldn't really try to relieve me but I couldn't face the embarrassment. No, new shoes were definitely needed for chapter three. I mentally shook myself. We hadn't finished chapter two yet, who'd said anything about chapter three? Tom's voice penetrated my thoughts
"Constance, look at the view!"
He pointed out of the window. As I neared it, I could see the Martian landscape. The light was dull but I could make out a desolate planet covered in reddish brown dust and rocks. Then movement caught my eye. About twenty five yards from the rocket I saw a humanoid creature dart behind a large boulder. A slightly hunched figure, he was dressed in clothes that blended with the background, making him difficult to see.

"There's someone out there!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, Constance, it's one of the little green men. The scourge of the galaxy! We must drive them away!"
He walked towards the door and put his hand on the latch.
"Captain Proton! Don't we need space suits? We'll suffocate out there!" I clutched my hands together on my chest as dramatically as I could manage.
Tom grinned. "And cover up that dress? No way! In this program, Mars has a breathable atmosphere."
I felt my face getting hot. I was blushing again. Tom was watching me, revelling in my discomfort, his eyes running appreciatively up and down the dress as if to emphasise his point.

Still grinning, he tossed me a laser gun and we stepped outside. Indicating that I should stay behind him, he began making his way towards the boulder, weapon at the ready. Our feet made crunching noises as we moved, small clouds of red brown dust being disturbed with each step. When we neared the boulder, I could hear the sound of raised voices. I looked at Tom. "The little green men?" I asked.
"Yeah, the scourge of the galaxy." He motioned to his right. "You go that way, Constance. We'll surround them."

He crept off around the other side of the boulder and I soon lost sight of him. The arguing voices were now loud enough to drown out the sound of our footsteps. As I got closer I could make out some of the words. The little green men were having a disagreement about money. Money? There was nothing here but rocks and dust. What could they possibly want money for? When I gingerly stuck my head out from the cover of the rock I got my answer.

The little green men were Ferengi! I could hear them clearly now.
"You owe me ten strips of gold pressed latinum!"
"No, I don't! It's only eight. I have my overheads you know!"
"You'd sell your mother!"
"Only if I could get a good price."

Intent on their argument, they were completely oblivious to our presence. Tom appeared around the other side of the boulder, behind the Ferengi. He waved to me, indicating that I should remain quiet. Stepping out from his hiding place he announced, "I am Captain Proton. You will surrender to me, scourge of the galaxy!"
"Never, human!" spat one of the Ferengi, as they both drew their phasers. They aimed straight at Tom. He got one of them with his laser gun as he dived for cover but the other hit him with a phaser blast before he reached safety. He crumpled to the floor, moaning.

My mouth dropped open in horror. The Ferengi had shot Tom. How dare he? Nobody shoots a member of my crew and gets away with it. I knew the safeties were on and that Tom was only acting but I was still affected by the sight of him writhing in pain on the ground. I was mad as hell and wanted revenge. I drew my weapon and stepped out to confront the remaining Ferengi.
"Constance Goodheart to the rescue!" I yelled. The Ferengi swivelled to face me and started to raise his phaser. I shot him before he had chance to use it. "That's for Captain Proton, you scourge of the galaxy!"

"Oh Constance, my hero!" Tom had propped himself up on his elbows and was grinning at me. I laughed and shook my head in disbelief.
"Why Ferengi?"
"They were already in the database and I didn't have the time or the inclination to program a new species. Anyhow, in some strange way they seemed appropriate....."

Still laughing, I walked over to him and offered my hand to help him up. I had no intention of giving in to my hormones this time. But the treacherous shoes betrayed me. As I leant over to help him I completely overbalanced and toppled over, pushing him back onto the floor and ending up sprawled across his chest. I felt strong arms encircle me and before I knew what was happening he had rolled us over and was lying on top of me, our faces almost touching. I swallowed hard. I saw his gaze travel to my lips as if he was debating what to do. When his eyes returned to mine, they were dark and clouded.

"Kathryn," he murmured, his voice a caress. I loved the way he said my name. Closing the distance between us, his lips softly touched mine. A feather light touch. A whisper. I knew I was trembling. His fingers were in my hair. I leant into his hand, wanting more. His kiss became more insistent, his tongue requesting entrance. Granting him access I lost all capacity for rational thought.

When his lips left mine the loss was palpable. I sighed and opened my eyes. Tom studied my face and smiled.
"Chapter three tomorrow?" he whispered.

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