The cIdNeY fILEs

Pt. I Cid Date 1726345

I'm getting a bit worried about Cidney, he has escaped the lysurgery, I think he found out about your evil plan to have him re-impregnated with LSD53. I just received a psubliminal note from HaNNaH, apparently he was last seen in a beach party somewhere north of Tel Aviv. I think you should notify the Missing Psychedelic Persons office, it's on North Street, turn right past White Lion Walk and you'll see the sign to Baked Bean Street, it's number 43, you will recognize it, it's next to our house at 42, we tried them earlier but the assistant was in conference with a Mr. D.M.. Turner, not very helpful as you can imagine.

Cidney was last seen trancing with these two significant forms of life, Lysurgia and, I don't recognize the other one, however they are both known zyentists of psychedelix, notice their fractalized existence.



Pt. II Cid Date 17263451

Glen, you might need to sit down before reading this.

Apparently Cidney was nearly arrested at customs on the way out of Israel. This was another psubliminal message from HanNah, apparently part of her brain has become reflective so the message just bounce without penetrating the outer layer of her brainium. This explains why she did not know about Cidney's disappearance. Anyway if it wasn't for Cid's lightening reflexes he would be sitting on death row at the moment, faced with life but no acid aaaarrrrrgghhhhhhh!!!. 8(. So the story goes him and the Hallucinelves left after the party and on their way to the border stopped by the Hallucinelve's Israeli L.iquid S.ound D.esign laboratory to collect a fresh consignment of enough acid to blow America of the face of the earth (nice one Cid). When they reached customs they were stopped and Cid was asked to empty his eyeballs and stop grinning. With this he looked at the Hallucinelves and sent them a psubliminal message saying, "head for stars". In a flash all three of them were racing toward the sky, only stopping to change the DAT, don the headphones and do some more acid for the flight. On the way Cidney hit an asteroid, apparently it started to hassle him for a dose and you know what Cid's like when he gets interrupted during a journey, like that time when the needle was jumping and he went ballistic. The last bit of the message said that the Hallucinelves have taken Cidney into Intensive Psychedelic Care, and that he is in a stable but dementertained condition.



Pt. III Cid Date 17263452

There has been some improvement in Cid's condition. He can't talk to anybody but his communications podule is coming back on-line. I found out who the other zyentist is, her name is Vortexia, she appeared from the rain forest aged 18 having spent the first years of her life leading a tribe of natives around the Amazon Basin, on a quest to find the ultimate psychedelic freakwency. They both appear to mean Cidney no harm, it has been their constant intravenous supply of acid which is slowly bringing Cidney back into the 13th conciousness, he nearly slipped into the third but they managed to save him. It is of vital importance that Cidney now returns to us, his energy levels will be low and his brain may well be expanding at a rate almost inconceivable. Imagine life with no C.I.D. , AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!

We need a plan...


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