Origin of the Christian Revival Church


The Christian Revival Church in High Street, New Mills, came into being in April 1995 under the leadership and direction of Roy Taylor. The Church is in fellowship with the Assemblies of God of Gt. Britain and Ireland. The Assemblies of God movement now forms one of the largest Protestant denominations in the world. Roy Taylor is an ordained minister with The Assemblies of God.

Roy and his wife Brenda - originally from Manchester, lived most of their married life in Poynton, Cheshire. In 1987 they responded to a call from God and went out as missionaries to Spain. There, for six years they established Churches and sought to bring the word of God to both English and Spanish speaking residents on the Costa del Sol. In 1993 Roy and Brenda returned to England where they began a pioneer work in Marple meeting in a room above the library each Sunday.

After 2 years developing and establishing a fellowship the need for a building they could call their own became vital. After much prayer and seeking God, the opportunity came for us to purchase as a fellowship, "The Old Wesleyan Chapel" in High Street, New Mills.

By God's grace and the miraculous hand of God we were able to move into the premises we now call home in April 1995.

Roy and Brenda are excited and thrilled to be able to lead this Fellowship and share the Good news of Jesus Christ with the people of New Mills and surrounding areas.

The Christian Revival Church is seeking to live up to its name and bring forth under the headship of Jesus Christ Our Lord and the direction of The Holy Spirit, a revival that will not only sweep through New Mills but also through this land.



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We can be contacted at revival@globalnet.co.uk Tel (+44) 1663 735010

This page was last modified on 8/11/97