Our Vision


At a time when there is more uncertainty than ever and people are asking , Is there a God? - Why am I here? - What is the meaning of Life? What happens when I die? It is comforting that we have, as a Fellowship a clear and certain vision for the future.

In the days ahead we are believing for:-

  1. A lifting up of the name of Jesus Christ. To see the name of our Saviour revered and not used in blasphemy.
  2. A greater move of The Holy Spirit within the Church. A pouring out of blessing from Heaven.
  3. A greater experience of the gifting of GOD on all people in the Church.
  4. A growth and increase in the numbers in the Church. More people receiving Jesus as their Saviour.
  5. To see a developing work among the young people.
  6. To develop a Church with a structured leadership.
  7. An expanding music ministry - to deepen our praise and worship to God.
  8. A deepening spirit of evangelism within the church.



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    This page was last modified on 8/11/97