"Football is a religion on Tyneside"

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Despite a new manager taking over, Newcastle seem intent on bringing in players from every part of the globe. Newcastle now boast players from 14 different countries including 4 South American countries, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Paraguay. Newcastle United were the first English club to field a South American in George Robledo in the fifties, Mirandinha became one of the first Brazilian to play in England in the 80s and Tino Asprilla the first in the 90s. Now Nobby from Peru and Gavilan from Paraguay are added to that list. So, which country will be next on the South American players list ? Chose from Bolivia, Venezuela , Ecuador, Guiana, and Uruguay. We've never had one from there yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time until we do.

Our current South Americans are:-

Nobby Solano and Deigo Gavilan.


Atunes or Fumaca as he klikes to be known

Nobby and Gav

I wouldn't expect Gavilan to be the last South American brought in by Robson. The Argentinean Bassedas seems to be attracting a lot if attention, but I reckon another Paraguayean purchase might well be on the cards and my money would be on one of these two.

GammaraJose Luis Chillavert

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