
Footy Guestbook

This Form will be on a permanent footy Guestbook page. You can view it after signing it.

You need not fill in all the fields if you don't want to, the default value will be put on if you don't change them. The best comments win a R$1,000 Bill.



Where are you from

How Old are you:

Which face best describes you?

My Homepage is located At

What is the title of your homepage:

Are you a famous football player

 I like Football I don't like football (edit box)

The team I Dislike most is

If you Are a NUFC fan then you can enter this question. Ruud Gullit wants to know which players he should Buy, who do you suggest?

And if we are to get more new players, who should he sell off FIRST?

My Favorite Newcastle Player is

I Normally have Nookie

 My favorite football website is

My favorite Curry is....

Have you signed our guestbook before.

And now for the chance to win that R$ 1,000

My comments (make them funny) to you are :

In the event of a draw the next question will be the decider.

I Like Riksplace Because :-

Check if you would like this to be a private message...

The winner of the funny comments competition will be notified by E mail .As soon as I get a really funny Comment it will be the end of this competition. Could be next week , could be next year. its my sit,e I decide. for the latest exchange rate on the rikodollar consult the financial times. Any rude words will make your comment void and may well be deleted. the words Tit, Bum, Beckham and willy are not considered naughty and may be used. Words such as Sundrla**, Dalgli** and Manche** will not be tolerated on this site. So keep it clean.
Form and Guestpage supplied by http://www.GuestWorld.com/