Danny Dimorio: Steven Fox


Danny was a short-lived character who appeared in the 1991 series of Byker Grove. He lived in the cafe run by his father and formed a short-lived band with Speedy.

Danny took on the milk round to raise more money for a guitar and rescued new Grover Chrissie who was being attacked by a tramp. However Chrissie didn't take kindly to Danny's rescue as she felt she could handle the situation herself.

Danny played an important role in the campaign against the proposed closure of the Grove. Danny clashed with Chrissie, who, even though hadn't belonged to the Grove for long was assuming control of the campaign. Danny soon found his dislike of Chrissie wore off and the pair went Ice-Skating.

The campaign against the Grove's closure was successful after Tessa and Kelly discovered the underground tunnels which would prevent the council's proposed demolitian plan.

Danny did not return to the 1992 series.