veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Financial Services

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The business goals of customer relationship management (CRM) are supported by authentic and meaningful exchanges with customers. Customer call centres may wish to provide space for these exchanges, but usually fail. The notion of fractal loading gives us an understanding of the requirements for communication within complex systems, and gives us a new way of thinking about CRM.
Security Companies in the finance sector often take a one-sided view of security, and fail to acknowledge the extent to which they increase security risks for their customers.

`veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Financial Services Challenges

veryard projects > industry sectors > financial services > challenges

The business goals of customer relationship management (CRM) are supported by authentic and meaningful exchanges with customers. Customer call centres may wish to provide space for these exchanges, but usually fail. The notion of fractal loading gives us an understanding of the requirements for communication within complex systems, and gives us a new way of thinking about CRM.
Security Companies in the finance sector often take a one-sided view of security, and fail to acknowledge the extent to which they increase security risks for their customers.

veryard projects - innovation for demanding change veryard projects > industry sectors > financial services
This page last updated on June 27th, 2004
Copyright © 2004 Veryard Projects Ltd