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Corporate Governance

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Elster points out that appeals to individuals to conform to social norms are often counterproductive. (For example, exhortations to students not to cheat in exams). This may be because they communicate the fact that non-compliance is widespread and otherwise unenforceable, or beacuse they remind people of the personal opportunities and benefits of non-compliance.

Jon Elster, Cement of Society, p 212

veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Corruption - Bribery or Seduction

veryard projects > ethics > corporate governance > corruption

Corruption, whether individual or collective, may be self-created (internally generated, emergent), or it may be deliberately fostered by outside agents. Individuals and groups may be vulnerable to various kinds of social attack, leading them into corrupt practices of various kinds.

According to one perspective, the strength of a norm can be measured by how much you must bribe people to violate it. But Elster regards this perspective as incomplete. "Sometimes all one has to offer people is an alternative norm or an alternative description of the targeted action." [In other words, reframing.] "It may be easier to seduce a Communist or a Christian than to bribe him.

Jon Elster, Cement of Society, p 130
more Rotten Apple Fallacy

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Page updated November 15th, 2003
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