
PFI (Private Finance Initiative)

Foundations of Business


PFI is an approach to funding large public projects, which has attracted a great deal of interest and controversy. The PFI scheme is very complex, and the details are often concealed from the public for reasons of commercial sensitivity.


Brief yourself on the Private Finance Initiative - with special attention to the Construction Industry. In particular, look at the sources indicated.

Think about the general purpose of the construction industry. Think about the purpose of the construction industry in a PFI context.


Very British Corruption. Article by George Monbiot, from the Guardian, January 22, 2002.
Egan report:

Reading. Hannan & Freeman, Population Ecology.  in Pugh (ed) Organizational Theory, Chapter 10

Learning Objectives

Develop the ability to analyse large complex systems.

Appreciate the importance of choosing (scoping, framing) the system of interest -- and how this affects the outcome of the analysis.

Appreciate how the observed behaviour of large complex systems may not always match the declared purpose(s).

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This page last updated on February 4th, 2002
Copyright © 2002 Veryard Projects Ltd & Antelope Projects Ltd