hit back in anger
negative thinking > achieving negative goals > retaliation

Tit for tat.  Revenge.  Commonly seen as having two positive effects on a situation.
Release of anger and other negative feelings, that might otherwise remain bottled up.
2 Balancing or rebalancing power.  Restoration (under certain conditions) of fair collaboration and co-operation.  Asserting boundaries.

But with two negative effects
3 Anger and self-expression becomes personally and socially addictive.  The individual gets hooked on the adrenaline rush, and social structures systematically favour individuals who adopt this mode of expression.
4 Anger doesn’t remain within boundaries.  It goes beyond assertiveness towards aggression, and beyond defensive aggression towards offensive aggression.  It is ultimately destructive of individual and social balance.
Page last updated on February 18th, 2001
Copyright © 2000, 2001 Richard Veryard