veryard projects - innovation for demanding changesystems engineering for business process change

flexible architectures and co-evolution

On the evolution of components and systems, possibly in some alignment with business organizations and markets.

EVOLUTION Something interesting emerges (develops, unfolds) from a large number of small changes and interactions.

Evolution may either be seen as moving towards an envisioned goal, or moving away from a mess.

Natural selection requires the unsurvival of the unfit.



The reasonably fit survive by changing themselves.  Survival usually implies maintaining one's identity, and perhaps also autonomy.

For change to be meaningful, something essential must be preserved.  Change requires stability and continuity.

FLEXIBILITY Complex structures often tear themselves apart.  Different layers transform themselves at different speeds.  Flexible artefacts maintain an articulation between the layers.
ALIGNMENT Businesses need to align themselves to markets.  IT provision needs to be aligned with the business.  Alignment is an ongoing process, not an idealized state.
MAINTENANCE All development is maintenance.  The primary reason for building a new component is to deliver an improvement in some larger system or process.
PLANNING Some people ignore the complexities of systems, and merely hack with the pieces.  Hacking doesn't work.

Few people have the luxury of controlling all aspects of the present, let alone fixing the future.   Grand plans don't work either.

Instead, follow an organic process that allows the desired system properties to emerge.

ARTICULATION Just enough coupling
Parts of the material on this website were presented at a FACE seminar at the LSE on February 1st, 2000, and encountered vigorous debate.  Thank you to everyone present
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This page last updated on March 31st, 2000
Copyright © 2000 Veryard Projects Ltd