veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

model-based management

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model-based management history / precursors scope news material
We advocate and support the use of simple yet powerful models to plan and manage enterprises and schemes, and to ensure their ongoing viability. We call this approach model-based management.

The same models are used throughout the management cycle - for planning, designing, operating and controlling systems - and by a broad range of stakeholders, including line management, software professionals, legal and compliance officers, and external regulators.

Of course, some elements of model-based management have been around for a while, especially in parts of the telecoms and software industries.

MDA - Model-Driven Architecture (OMG)
Network Management (telecoms)
Model-Based Risk Management (Coras)
Autonomic Computing
Model-Based Planning.  Business Case, ROI

Model-Based Development. Business Process, Software Architecture

Model-Based Policy Management. Policy Formulation & Change, Policy Implementation

Model-Based Governance & Control. Instrumentation, Risk Management. Model-Based Regulation
For followers of MBM, there was some interesting news at Microsoft PDC.
DSI Dynamic Systems Initiative
SDM System Definition Model

We expect this to represent serious competition to the IBM approach we analysed recently.
cbdi forum



veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Model-Based Policy Management

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As systems become larger and more complex, we can expect increasing reliance on automatic or semi-automatic policy management tools.
Present-day policy management tools typically control a large system through a complex array of technical policies, including security policies and resource allocation policies.
However, it is often hard to obtain an integrated management perspective on this array of policies, since they are assembled bottom-up, and presented in a technical form. They are maintained by a staff of technical administrators and system architects.
Managers need a way of communicating/negotiating their policy requirements, of checking the correct implementation of these policies, and of monitoring their effectiveness. They also need a way of thinking through possible policy options prior to implementation, on a "what if" basis.
We believe that the natural way of addressing these needs is to provide a series of models that make the policies and their effects visible to management.

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Vendors implementing Model-Based Management

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CBDi Material on Model-Based Management

veryard projects > sebpc > mbm > CBDi material

IBM Managing Services - Tivoli and Websphere (July/August 2003)
Autonomic Computing (January 2003)

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Web Links

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more CORAS - Model-based risk management

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This page last updated on November 26th, 2003
Copyright © 2003 Veryard Projects Ltd