veryard projects - take the e-business challenge

virtual bank account

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late business concept

veryard projects formulated the concept of the virtual bank account some months ago. The concept is probably now obsolete, as a result of recent changes that have taken place in the banking industry.

So why is it still here on our website? Because it remains a good illustration of our approach to business concepts, and of the ideas that are the basis of the veryard projects Business Challenge.

The virtual bank account concept described on this page was intended to represent a new form of added-value - creating a potential new role in the banking market.

The virtual bank account concept develops from an analysis of the inflexibility of existing banking concepts.

The development of the virtual bank account concept follows a repeatable pattern of business analysis.

veryard projects can help create, design and implement new business concepts.


virtual bank account - the business concept

flexibility - from standing orders to direct debits

cheque standing order direct debit virtual bank account
making payment I pay each bill by a separate cheque 

payment is totally under my control

high transaction costs (for all parties)

unreliable cashflow

my bank pays a regular amount to selected creditors 

only allows for fixed amounts at fixed perods

I have reduced effort for paying regular bills 

creditor gets improved cashflow, and reduced risk of cancellations

selected creditors take what I owe them directly from my account 

allows for variable amounts or variable payment periods

some companies offer a discount to customers who pay by direct debit

as direct debit
changing bank I use a new cheque book I provide a list of standing orders to my new bank I have to notify dozens of companies that my bank details have changed I notify my virtual bank of my new bank details.
it's easy ... to change payment amounts and periods 

to change bank

to change bank to change payment amounts and periods to change payment amounts and periods 

to change bank

it's difficult ... ?? to change payment amounts and periods to change bank ??

objections and reservations

methodical approach

consultancy services


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This page last updated on November 12th, 1999 
Copyright © 1999 Veryard Projects Ltd