Thursday, November 02, 2006

Semantic Coupling

In a recent post, Semantic Coupling, the Elephant in the SOA Room, Rocky Lhotka identified semantic coupling as one of the challenges of SOA. Udi Dahan agrees that semantic coupling is harder, but adds that in his view SOA is all about addressing this issue. Meanwhile Fergal Somers, chief architect at Cape Clear, doesn't think it is so hard in practice, although he acknowledges that the relevant standards are not yet mature.
"Any systems that are linked together as part of a broader workflow involves semantic-coupling as defined above, but so what? We have been building these systems for some time."

Although I wouldn't go as far as saying SOA is "all about" any one thing in particular (see my earlier post on Ambiguity), I also agree that semantic coupling (and semantic interoperability) are important.

Rocky's argument is based on a manufacturing analogy.
  • In simple manufacturing, the economics of scale involves long production runs, so that you can spread the setup costs across a large volume.
  • In agile manufacturing, the economics of scope involves minimizing the setup costs, so that you can have shorter production runs without affecting the economics of scale.
  • I interpret Rocky's argument as saying that a major element of the setup costs for services involves matching the semantics.
Part of the economic argument for SOA is that it can deliver economics of scope (adaptability, repurposing) as well as economics of scale (productivity).

But there's more. If we combine SOA with some other management innovations, we may also be able to improve the economics of governance. I don't think this is illustrated by Rocky's manufacturing analogy.

However, Kenneth LeFebvre reads more into Rocky's post than I did.
"There is meaning to the interaction between a consumer and a service. What does this mean? SOA is all about making the connections between applications using “services” but it does not bridge the gap between the real world of business and the “virtual” world that runs within our software. This is precisely the problem object-oriented design was intended to solve, and was just beginning to do so, until too much of the development population abandoned it in search of the next holy grail: SOA."

At my request, Kenneth has elaborated on this statement in a subsequent post SOA OOA and Bridging the Gap. I agree with him that the rhetoric of OO was as he describes. But I still don't see much evidence that "it was just beginning to do so", and I remain unconvinced by his argument that some things are better represented by objects than by services. (More concete examples please Kenneth.)

For a definition of the economics of scale, scope and governance, see Philip Boxer's post Creating Economies of Governance on the Asymmetric Design blog.

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