veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Practical Pitfalls and Dilemmas of Technology Transfer

Edited by Richard Veryard in association with IFIP Working Group 8.6


This material represents a bucket of experience in technology transfer. It is intended to be used in two ways:
  1. To improve the prevailing practice in technology transfer and implementation.
  2. To challenge the prevailing theoretical models.


IFIP working group 8.6 contains academics and practitioners from around the world with an interest in the dissemination, transfer and implementation of information technology. To know more about our group, please go to our home page.

This material originates from a brainstorming session we organized at our second working conference, which took place by the side of Lake Windermere in the North of England, in June 1997.




Looking at the above list, we identified the following recurrent themes:


Participants in the brainstorming workshop were: Steve Ball, Monika Buescher, Patrick Corsi, David Dickinson, Chris Sauer, Chris Turgoose, Richard Veryard and Alexandra Walker.

Further Work

Please contribute further experiences to this material.  Additions to the list should be supported with an anecdote from a real-life situation, or a reference to a published case study, wherever possible.

Please also email me with comments about the material. Do you see any interesting patterns in the material itself, or any interesting relationships with other stuff? Do you have any suggestions for the further development or use of the material?

Information and Links

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IFIP WG 8.6 home page


Please send me your comments.

 Copyright © IFIP and Richard Veryard, 1997.