The Wooden Tankard Inn, Fobin

SubmitterRebecca A Downey
Submission Date07 Apr 1997
ReferenceNot official
Inn NameWooden Tankard Inn
LocationFobin, Thardia
Propieter:Samson the Younger

Synopsis:The Wooden Tankard is an inn just outside the small fort-town of Fobin. It caters primarily to the traveling merchants and the off-duty legionaries of the region. The Fobin Maniple has dubbed the inn to be its own. The maniple's colors2 can be seen hanging from the entryway. The Wooden Tankard shares its land with an ostler and a blacksmith thus offering its clientele fine service of their horses as well as their persons. The Ostler, Jarid of Gredar, can be often found in the Legionaries' bar. The blacksmith is more work-minded, and is usually inside his small shop from dawn to dusk. Travelers to Fobin along the river road down from Coranan can not miss the large wooden structure by the roadside nor the fresh smells of baking pies and roasting fowl.


Main description (html)

Main Description (Word 6 doc zipped - 100kb)

Main Description (rtf zipped- 203kb)

Plan of the ground floor

Plan of the first floor

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