A guide to the finest links in Medieval Food and Drink

Last updated: 05/05/98


Visitors to a large town often seek a wide range of services; these links have been organized with this in mind.

At The Inn busy travelers can find knowledgeable patrons willing to offer quality meats and fine beverages.

The Tavern caters to folk seeking a wider diversity of Medieval sites, sounds and smells from vendors offering lighter meals and drinks for the weary traveler.

The Scullery contains cookbooks of Journeymen and Master Innkeepers and should be of interest to those forced to spend an evening preparing their own pottage.

Finally, The Market Place provides links to entertainment beyond mere food and drink

If you have links which you think should be added to this Guide please contact Jarold.Holland-Hibbert@cciw.ca

Site Name
The Inn  
Medieval / Renaissance Food Homepage http://www.pbm.com /~lindahl/food.html Medieval / Renaissance food with some recipes
Medieval / Renaissance Brewing Homepage http://www.pbm.com /~lindahl/brewing.html Medieval / Renaissance drink with some recipes
The Mead Makers Page http://www.eklektix.com /gfc/mead/ Mead information, varieties and recipes
Mead, drink of the Gods http://www.circus.com /~omni/mead.html Mead information, varieties and recipes
Running a household in the Viking Era http://viking.no /e/life/efood.htm Background about Viking food, tools and kitchen utensils
The Tavern  
Net SERF http://www.cua.edu /www/hist/netserf/home.htm Excellent index of Medieval Info
SCA Arts and Sciences Homepage www.pbm.com /~lindahl/arts_and_sciences.html Index of Medieval Info
Regia Anglopum http://www.ftech.net /~regia/regblurb.htm Anglo Saxon food/drink and a weath of other info under "A complete listing of Regia Anglorum pages"
The Scullery  
MW's Recipe Archive Index (now maintained by Amy Gale) http://www.cs.cmu.edu /People/mjw/recipes Medieval/Anglo Saxon & Roman delights under Ethnic Dishes & Historical Recipes
Medieval Feasts http://www.bitwise.net /~ken-bill/med-p1.htm Medieval & Renaissance recipes adapted for the modern cook
Master Huen's http://www.labs.net /dmccormick/huen.htm Medieval "Boke of Gode Cookery"
The Market Place  
The Labyrinth www.georgetown.edu /labyrinth/labyrinth-home.html Superb index of resources for Medieval info including "lesson plans"
Literary Resources -- Medieval www.english.upenn.edu /~jlynch/Lit/medieval.html Links to a wide variety of Medieval work
The Celts and Saxons Homepage http://www.primenet.com /~lconley/index.html A huge collection of Celtic links, some with food/drink
The Viking Homepage www.control.chalmers.se /vikings/indexframe.html Links to Viking info (European sites)
Internet Medieval Sourcebook http://www.fordham.edu /halsall/sbook.html Public domain texts, maps and some original documents
Old English and Anglo Saxon England www.geocities.com /Paris/Rue/1663/old_eng.html Info on Old English and Anglo Saxon England

Copyright ©1998 Jarold.Holland-Hibbert Jarold.Holland-Hibbert@cciw.ca Mail JHH, 05/05/98