Topic Guide 1
The Nazis in Germany by Russell Williams

Key aspects to consider

a The fall of the Weimar Republic.

b The rise of the Nazis to 1933.

c The personality, aims and leadership of Hitler.

d The role of Hitler's associates.

e The organisation of the Nazi state.

f The German economy.

g The suppression of opposition.

h The effects of war on Germany.

Working with the information

Make notes on these items

a What were the key stages in the growth of the Nazi party from 1920 to 1934?

b What is meant by totalitarianism? Was Nazi Germany a `totalitarian' state?

c How did the Nazis deal with the following groups?

d Read at least two secondary sources and compare the ways in which they explain (i) the weakness of the Weimar Republic and (ii) the           extent of Hitler's popularity in Germany. How far do they agree? Suggest possible reasons why they differ.

e Read primary sources which are (i) favourable and (ii) unfavourable to Nazi rule in Germany. How can we assess their reliability and usefulness?

f Make brief notes on the following: the S.A.; the S.S.; Mein Kampf; Goebbels; Schacht


These can be used either as topics for revision or as essay questions

1. `Hitler was the master of the Third Reich.' `Hitler was not responsible for many of the policies of his regime.' Compare the validity of these judgements.

2. Why did the Nazis gain power democratically but soon establish one-party rule in Germany?

3. How successful were the attempts of the Nazis to gain widespread support in Germany in the period to 1939?

4. Consider the arguments for and against the claim that the Nazi government achieved an `Economic Miracle' in Germany in the period to 1939.

Supplementary reading, further to your primary textbook

In addition to the material which can be found in textbooks, in biographies and autobiographies, the following may be helpful:

I. Kershaw, Hitler, London 1991.

I. Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, Edward Arnold 3rd edition, 1993.

G. Martel (ed.), Modern Germany Reconsidered 1870-1945, Routledge, 1992.

J. Noakes (ed.), Government, Party and People in Nazi Germany, Exeter

Studies in History No. 2. Exeter, 1980.

W.O. Simpson, Hitler and Germany, Cambridge - Topics in History Series, 1991.

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