Welcome one and all to the Pixel Wizzard home page ,
Pixel Wizzard are Chris and Kevin Gregory and here you will find Realplayer versions of our short computer generated films for your viewing pleasure and anything else we feel like including.
It's been a while since our last update, Kev has been working on his A levels and I ( that's Chris) have been at Bournemouth University, learning how to do this stuff for real.
This update consists of a general site overhaul and the addition Chris's project work for his Ma in Computer Animation, some 'Who' related, some not, as Chris searches for gainfull employment.
Meanwhile Kevin heads off to Carlisle for three years to become a rendering jedi. And Chris is not jealous ar all...
So should anyone wish to use our images or commision something new for a magazine, fanzine or convention ( or employ Chris )...
....we would be more than happy to hear from you at sidrat@globalnet.co.uk
You will need Realplayer to view the video clips, click here
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