The definitive Links magazine 07 Nov 1999

SnapShot won't be a news site, although we may cover some Links 'current affairs'. It won't be a tournament site, although we may try and organise a special event or two. It won't be a hints and tips site, although we will have articles that cover how to play the game. It won't be a rankings site, although we will cover the various ranking lists and may even have one of our own. SnapShot, in fact, aims to be a magazine site that has general articles on just about anything to do with playing Links golf. We'll even have some articles on real golf (the game you play outside and involves miles of walking and loads of frustration), and perhaps even some articles that have absolutely nothing to do with golf at all… but contain something worthwhile - and possibly of interest to - the huddled masses of the LS community. Oh, and I also hope to have some articles that will raise a laugh - and not just because of the appalling grammar and punctuation!

I aim to have something new on the site each day. Now this is a tall order for one individual with lots of rounds to play and a small remnant of a life outside of Links to maintain. So, in order to make this site a success I really need as much help as I can get. Therefore I'd love to receive articles on anything to do with Links - and possibly on real life golf or any other subject for that matter. So, if you have something to say, and want to see your name displayed in gaudy colours in cyberspace, and have your words read by hordes of your fellow linksters, then get typing!

I would also be delighted to receive as much feedback as possible from SnapShot's readers. What sorts of articles interest you most? Is there anything you would particularly like to be covered?

The success of SnapShot really depends on input from the Links community. It's a community site. My ambition is that it will become a 'must visit' site for each linkster each day.

I hope you all enjoy the site, tell your friends and come back often!

Simon Courcha, Editor