The Special Promotion

by Jane Seaton

...The salesman licked his index finger and fished a leaflet from the breast pocket of his jacket. A couple more fluttered out after it. "If you were to introduce another customer, and that customer were to purchase a model of equal or greater value than the 'Chekov', or whatever model you eventually choose... We also do a 'Bashir', well suited to the typical hypochondriac, a 'Mulder' for the paranoid, a..."

"Just tell me how much. Straight. We can discuss the special offers later." Taylor glanced at the 'Chekov', who had broken a crayon out of the packet and was doodling on one of the salesman's leaflets. The tip of his tongue protruded as he concentrated and the sun glinted off the top of his head. The female model belatedly offered him a muffin, which he ate with a great many crumbs and washed down with a glass of lemonade before returning to his drawing.

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