The Incident Aboard the Thurber

by Jane Seaton

..."I'm not sure..." Sulu began, then restarted. "I'm sorry, Mrs Shaeve, but I think it would be better if you and Ensign Chekov didn't meet informally. Would you like me to find someone to take you to your accommodation?"

She nodded. "Well, thank you for your suggestion, Lieutenant, but... I do need to talk to Mister Chekov. Do you want to chaperone us?"

"Sulu... This is Donna's mother."

The lieutenant took a deep breath. "And she's accused you of wilfully causing her daughter's death. It's not a good idea for the two of you to talk. I'm sorry, Mrs Shaeve, but for all I know, you could be planning to tape this conversation or..."

The woman's face was stark white against the oversized black collar of her jacket. "No. I never said that. I never intended to make any such accusation. If that's what you've been told... We really do need to talk."

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