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QuakeCon '99 Announcement

Hi all, sorry for not updating this piece for a while but I have been very busy. As you will have noticed we have been spending a lot of time after we first got up sorting out bugs that were in the pages. Most of this involved reparing links to pages and correcting hyperlinks to outside pages. It was pretty boring but had to be done.

Whats new? Well since we opened we have been adding a load of new sections to the site i.e the Quake Arena section and the Media section. As we are a Quake site that covers all 3 games we have to have the Quake III section and that was planned. What was not planned was the Media section. That was put in by me because I feel that is something that we need because it gives you a chance to air your views, and we can give you interviews with people from the scene. I am disappointed that we have had over 2500 vistors and not one person has posted anything in a forums section. I have made repeated appeals for someone to do that but with no luck. Tell me why this is not doing well Thats it from me, till next time. 

- Blade