We are adding this new section to our website to introduce and highlight the very high quality work of the military artist Ray Kirkpatrick

Ray has been a friend for sometime and each time a new figure has been added to our “ Uniform Museum ”, he has painted a watercolour giving life and character to the uniform’s wearer. I now have quite a large collection of his paintings and thought it would be a good idea to share the secret with all TRL customers and friends. I can tell you from experience, that to own a painting of your favourite uniform when shown being worn by a character of the period, (or by yourself if you like!), is a real joy.

As you will see from the examples of some of his work which are reproduced here, he paints anything from a solitary figure to a complete battle scene.

Battle scenes and cavalry figures on horseback vary according to size and subject but also come with window mounts and titling.
There are no standard paintings, any particular battle, skirmish or incidents can be created featuring whatever regiment you require. Each painting is tailored to the clients specification.
Although the main aspect of the work is the British Army (with a speciality in the Napoleonic Wars) other nations military units can also be commissioned on request. This is subject to available information on uniform and equipment.
Portraits from photographs are also undertaken, size and price subject to requirement.
The price, including mount, for a single figure is £55
and for Cavalryman on horseback, £75
Battle scenes and portraits are dependent upon individual client specification.
All prices exclude postage. 


Here are some examples of his work











Ray Kirkpatrick may be contacted on email  at


Thin Red Line
Thin Red Line, PO Box 65, Seavington, Ilminster, TA19 0WE. UK