The Pilots of Pole Hill



A little bit of information as to what we have been doing during the month of November.

Our web site which Michael set up has now been running for about six weeks and up to press we have had about 125 visitors to it. We are a mixed bunch, just friends, not a club.As in most places a flying site is not easy to acquire,so we approached a farmer friend up on the tops ( Pennines ) who fixed us up. Our site is around 1200 feet above the town Todmorden,near a location known as Pole Hill. It is a large field which once was meadow land,but it has gone back to rough pasture,except for our flying patch which we keep mown.A reasonable patch except when the wind comes from the east,then you take off towards a small wall with barbed wire on the top, , and a small pond to one side. Up to now the pond has only collected two victims that I can think off.. The barbed wire does much better when coming into land,if you try to land short. We fly as often as possible,you do not have to be frightened of the wind,it's rarely under 10 to 15 mph,more often it is nearer to 20. We have been flying here for the last 20 years.

Last month November we were up 8 times,flying Wot 4's and a plane called SKY DANCER. this last model was produced by a chap in Hebden Bridge,the next town down the valley.It was tried out by the RCM & E a few years back and was reported in the magazine,So Steve and myself ( David ) acquired one each. They have been excellent planes,we have been flying them for the past 3 years, and they are still going strong. Like most things they come and go, I don't think they are available any more.

In our spread we are all described, I am the pensioner and not allowed to forget it. During the last two years we collected a couple of young lads who showed interest,we fixed them up with some excess equipment and got them flying, in fact they could take off and land safely within twelve months. Now they have not been up for some while, I know one has stayed on at school for A levels, the other has taken an apprenticeship with British Aerospace near Preston, and I understand is doing well.

Stop press...... with it being a rather bad month weather wise I started and completed a Wots Wot biplane, by Chriss Foss, I really enjoyed making it, I have photographed it and it has been test flown it twice. Being the only one who flies with right hand throttle,I took it off got it to a safe height then left Steve to try it out, (Steve just loves using other peoples fuel )mike.... John who was also there declined to have a go. Michael keeps taking to the nearby hills with his gliders,but last Thursday 25th Nov. Michael came to the field whilst I was flying,he had already flown that afternoon, and I had passed him on the way up to the field. I hope to tell you a little more in the New Year...............

D K T.
email .........David
