I want to thank everyone who has taken time to respond to the questionnaires.

In fact, the response creates its own problems! To date I have had nearly 600 replies. Each one takes 5-10 minutes to enter into the spreadsheet I'm using to analyse the results - hardly surprising, therefore, that I have trouble keeping pace. Especially as, whenever I mention the results on mailing lists, I get a surge of further replies. Mind you, this is a problem I welcome.

My biggest problem is the lack of female responses from the general public. If YOU have the opportunity to post on a non-tg news group, I would really appreciate it if you could invite responses refering them to http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~trojan/q-control.htm.

This interim report is being produced March 2000. Where appropriate comparisons are made between TV/ TS and Non-TG female and male control samples.

Please note that the results are solely from internet based questionnaires. This will inevitably "skew" some of the responses. However, by comparing the data with non-TG responses, such skewing can be examined. For example, the use of the Internet requires an interest in computing - so computing and other related subjects score high in all responses.

There also appears to be a discrepancy between the level of education reached compared with known figures from other sources - indicating that those using the internet (whether TG or not) tend to have gone further in their education than the average. It may, however, be that those prepared to complete surveys are likely to be more interested in sharing knowledge because they have received a higher standard of education.

I feel that it is likely that TGs connected to the Internet are far more likely to be aware of what is available for them than those who are not connected. I suspect, therefore, that the level of usage of support groups, TG tolerant venues etc is likely to be significantly higher amongst respondents.

I see no reason, however, to assume that other areas would be affected by whether or not TGs are connected to the Internet.

The responses from the general public are (so far) low. This may well mean that the responses received to date are unreliable. Where the differences between TG response levels and general public levels are less than 10%, I would place no significance on the variation; between 10% and 30%, I think we can be reasonably certain that there IS a difference; above 30% variation and I think that the difference is established. New responses entered into the TG spreadsheets are now only producing minor variations to the percentages already recorded. I believe, therefore, that they may be considered "typical" (except where an interest in computing and access to the Internet are a factor).

You will draw your own conclusions from the responses. Personally, I think that they already clearly show that there is NO common factor in our backgrounds that can be "blamed" for our transgenderism. I suggest that the variety of our backgrounds and the similarity with non-TG responses should put this idea to rest!

The results are rounded to nearest integer - so totals may not add up to exactly 100%


The results:

Survey Responses TV TS Female Male
Number of Respondents
117 85 37 8
Respondents' Age
under 16 years old 0% 0% 0% 0%
16-20 5% 0% 0% 5%
21-25 5% 4% 13% 0%
26-30 11% 12% 0% 11%
31-35 14% 8% 13% 8%
36-40 12% 17% 25% 14%
41-50 32% 37% 38% 41%
51- 60 18% 17% 13% 19%
60+ 3% 5% 0% 3%
Marital Status:
TV TS Female Male
single 18% 25% 14% 27%
married/ living together 65% 50% 57% 60%
separated/ divorced 17% 24% 0% 5%
widowed 0% 1% 0% 3%
TV TS Female Male
no children 43% 41% 38% 36%
under 5 years old 15% 7% 20% 13%
5-10 years old 19% 7% 20% 22%
11-15 years old 31% 11% 60% 22%
16-20 years old 22% 22% 20% 30%
21+ 48% 39% 40% 61%
Family Background - do you have sisters or brothers?
TV TS Female Male
No 17% 7% 13% 19%
sister(s) only 26% 16% 13% 24%
Brother(s) only 24% 37% 50% 22%
both sister(s) and brother(s) 33% 40% 25% 35%
If you have sister(s) and brother(s), do you have TV TS Female Male
Older sisters 25% 23% 13% 20%
Younger sisters 36% 40% 25% 43%
Older brothers 26% 30% 50% 22%
Younger brothers 34% 43% 38% 41%
Were your parents still together while you were growing up (ie until you were 16)? TV TS Female Male
Yes 70% 84% 88% 81%
no - they separated 16% 15% 13% 19%
Average age when parents separated 9 5 16 9
my mother died 1% 8% 0% 3%
my father died 3% 8% 0% 13%
Both my parents are dead 0% 1% 0% 0%
Average age when Mother died - 14 - 3
Average age when Father died 6 14 - 6
If parents separated or died, lived with TV TS Female Male
Father 20% 21% 0% 0%
Mother 50% 37% 100% 80%
both at different times but mainly mother 15% 21% 0% 10%
both at different times but mainly father 0% 5% 0% 0%
other relation 15% 16% 0% 0%
Other 0% 0% 0% 10%
did the parent you live with have multiple partners while you were living with them? TV TS Female Male
No 59% 74% 100% 50%
yes 41% 26% 0% 50%
Father absent for long periods (more than 3 months at a time) TV TS Female Male
yes frequently (more than 3 times) 10% 19% 0% 16%
yes - but on less than 3 occasions of less than 3 months 5% 4% 13% 3%
yes on less than 3 occasions but for more than 3 months 0% 1% 13% 0%
No 59% 49% 50% 68%
not absent for long periods; but worked long hours so hardly ever around 26% 26% 25% 14%
Mother absent for long periods (more than 3 months at a time) TV TS Female Male
yes frequently (more than 3 times) 3% 4% 0% 3%
yes - but on less than 3 occasions of less than 3 months 2% 1% 0% 0%
yes on less than 3 occasions but for more than 3 months 0% 0% 0% 3%
No 88% 88% 100% 94%
not absent for long periods; but worked long hours so hardly ever around 8% 9% 0% 0%
Influence in your home
TV TS Female Male
female dominated 22% 15% 25% 17%
mainly female 18% 10% 0% 3%
more female than male 19% 16% 25% 42%
Equally female & male 21% 39% 25% 22%
more male than female 9% 12% 25% 6%
mainly male 7% 2% 0% 3%
male dominated 4% 6% 0% 8%
As far as you are aware, did your mother have problems while pregnant with you? TV TS Female Male
I do not know 1% 34% - -
No 85% 43% 71% 78%
Yes 15% 23% 29% 22%
Suffered any abuse as a child
15% 17% 38% 22%
Had a stable childhood
80% 85% 100% 81%
Had a happy childhood
75% 72% 50% 70%
Moved home more than 3 times during childhood
33% 45% 33% 32%
What level of education did you reach TV TS Female Male
left without qualifications 8% 4% 0% 0%
minimum high school qualifications (UK-GCSE) 17% 14% 13% 16%
advanced high school qualifications (UK-A Levels) 13% 7% 0% 14%
College/University 62% 75% 88% 70%
Type of School Attended TV TS Female Male
Single Sex - day 11% 17% 0% 19%
Single Sex - Boarding 4% 6% 0% 6%
Co-educational - day 80% 72% 100% 75%
Co-educational - Boarding 4% 5% 0% 0%
Favourite subjects (multiple choices OK) TV TS Female Male
English Language 29% 40% 57% 24%
English Literature 20% 42% 29% 14%
Foreign Languages 9% 12% 43% 8%
Mathematics 39% 37% 43% 46%
Sciences 55% 63% 86% 67%
History 50% 51% 57% 54%
Geography 35% 33% 29% 38%
Arts 33% 47% 71% 35%
Computing 29% 32% 14% 19%
Practical 30% 23% 43% 19%
Childhood Friends: how readily did you make friends as a child?
TV TS Female Male
I had no problem making friends 57% 50% 63% 61%
I found it difficult to make friends 43% 50% 38% 39%
Would you have: TV TS Female Male
a mixed group of friends 38% 27% 50% 46%
have a group of mainly same sex friends 23% 17% 38% 32%
have a group of mainly opposite sex friends 9% 25% 0% 5%
tend to have only one main friend at a time - usually same sex as you 27% 22% 13% 11%
tend to have only one main friend at a time - usually opposite sex 3% 6% 0% 0%
Girl/Boyfriends - did you have: TV TS Female Male
several (5 or more) girl/boyfriends (not necessarily at the same time!) 41% 40% 38% 32%
fewer than 5 45% 43% 63% 49%
none 14% 17% 0% 19%
Ethnic Background; are you:
TV TS Female Male
Asian 1% 1% 0% 3%
Afro-Caribbean 0% 1% 0% 3%
White 95% 95% 100% 94%
Other 4% 2% 0% 0%
Religious Background:
TV TS Female Male
Buddhist 1% 1% 0% 3%
Christian - Roman Catholic 25% 22% 38% 33%
Christian - Anglican 27% 26% 13% 19%
Christian - Non Conformist/Other 21% 21% 13% 14%
Jewish 2% 2% 0% 3%
Muslim 0% 0% 0% 0%
Other 7% 7% 13% 6%
None 18% 20% 25% 22%
Employment (if unemployed - usual employment)
TV TS Female Male
Homemaker 0% 0% 13% 0%
Managerial/Professional 42% 50% 38% 49%
Social Services/ Nursing/ Teaching 7% 6% 0% 5%
Military/ Police/ Fire Service or similar 6% 2% 0% 8%
Skilled/ Technical 34% 33% 38% 27%
Unskilled 2% 2% 0% 0%
Student 5% 0% 13% 5%
Other 4% 6% 0% 5%
Have worked in a very "macho" environment (military/ police/ fire/ construction/ oil rigs/ forestry/ ranching etc): TV TS Female Male
Yes 55% 58% 63% 44%
Sports - prefer:
TV TS Female Male
competitive team sports - football, hockey etc 40% 21% 38% 41%
competitive partnership sports - doubles tennis, dinghy sailing etc 4% 6% 0% 5%
competitive individual sports - singles tennis, athletics etc 11% 22% 13% 11%
non competitive sports 20% 53% 38% 6%
don't like any sports 25% 8% 13% 35%
Sexuality - consider themself to be
TV TS Female Male
heterosexual 61% 31% 63% 81%
gay/ lesbian 1% 7% 0% 3%
bisexual 14% - 25% 16%
TVs - hetero when in male mode - but bi when en femme 38%  
Pre-Op attracted to females - 27% %
Post-Op attracted to females 0%
Pre-Op attracted to males 7%
Post-Op attracted to males 5%
Pre-Op attracted to females and males regardless of whether en femme or not 19%
Pre-Op attracted to females when not "en femme" and males when en femme 18%
Post-Op attracted to females and males 0%
Pre-Op not interested in sex until I am post op 13%
a-sexual (no interest in sex) 3% 11% 13% 0%
TSs whose sexuality has changed since commencing hormones 32%  
TG "Status" - do you consider yourself to be:
Transvestite 38% n/a
Cross dresser 47%
Transgendered 11% 15%
Drag Queen 1% n/a
Shemale 0% 6%
Unsure - possibly TS 3% 20%
other 0% 0%
Transsexual - Pre-op n/a 52%
Transsexual - Post-op/ female 6%
If Transsexual: Average Age first
- felt "different"? 7
- thought might be transsexual? 20
- accepted were/are transsexual? 31
- sought treatment for transsexuality? 36
- had surgery new question
If currently consider themself TS/TG, had regarded themself TV/CD 69%
First dressed en femme
before 10 years old 69% 59%
10-12 18% 17%
13-15 4% 18%
16-20 5% 3%
21-25 2% 1%
26-30 0% 0%
31-35 2% 0%
36-40 0% 0%
41-50 3% 1%
50+ 1% 0%
Of those who are now TS and had considered themselves to be TS:
considered themself to be TV/CD rather than TS period seriously consider themself potentially TS/TG but not decided
less than 1 year 25% 31%
1 - 2 years 13% 31%
3 - 5 years 10% 13%
6 - 10 years 8% 10%
more than 10 years 44% 15%
Have tried to stop dressing en femme/ Transitioning?
Yes 75% 83% 26%
No 25% 17% 74%
if yes: were these occasions
when starting new relationships 33% 31% 39%
at times of facing new challenges (jobs, studying/ exams etc) 17% 29% 22%
Pressure from partners/ family 33% 29% 28%
after other problems in your life 17% 37% see below
because of problems encountered as a result of transitioning 22%
because of medical problems related to hormones 11%
because of doubts about whether you were actually TS 17%
None of the above/ random 40% 31% 17%
Have you ever sought counselling for your cross dressing/ transsexualism (General Public - for any reason)
*(visits to Gender Identity Clinics/ Psychiatrists required for TS treatment disregarded) TV
Female Male
Yes 17% 33% 36% 63% 41%
if yes: was the counselling at
Your own instigation 55% 57% 89% 100% 73%
Because of pressure from others to seek "help" 45% 43% 11% 0% 27%
How long did your counselling last
Number of sessions 34 9 17 18 28
Years 2 2 2 1 1
What did you hope to gain from the counselling:
to try to stop dressing/ transsexuality 29% 23% 4% not relevant
to feel less guilty/ ashamed of dressing/ transsexuality 33% 41% 62%
Other 38% 36% 35%
did the counselling achieve what you hoped it would (partly or completely)?
Yes 60% 27% 68% 100% 53%
did it help in ways which you had not expected
Yes 50% 14% 48% 10% 73%
Did you consider the counselling to be
no use at all 15% 55% 8% 0% 0%
some minimal benefit 15% 18% 27% 0% 38%
quite useful 40% 18% 38% 60% 8%
very useful 10% 5% 12% 20% 31%
extremely beneficial 20% 5% 15% 20% 23%
How do you feel about your cross dressing/ transsexualism?
fine, I accept that it is part of me and there is nothing wrong with it (even if I know others do not share this view) 74% 88%
I feel good when dressed - but guilty/ ashamed afterwards 24% -
I would prefer not to cross dress/ be TS 1% 10%
I hate myself for being TG 1% 0%
I don't feel it is wrong - but I really wish I could stop dressing/ being TS completely 1% 2%
Would you have preferred? TS
to have been born male with no transsexualism 3%
to have been born female with no transsexualism 84%
I'm happy to have seen both male and female sides 14%
Have you ever seriously considered suicide because of being TS and the problems associated with it?
No 49%
Yes - but I did not do so 39%
Yes - I have attempted suicide 12%
What would be your reaction if you were told that continuing use of hormones would probably kill you?
I would take the risk and continue 58%
I would stop hormones but continue to live as female 41%
I would revert to male mode rather than live in limbo 1%
What would be your reaction if you were told that SRS/GRS would probably kill you? TS
I would take the risk and indemnify the surgeon against liability 34%
I would continue to live as female without SRS 36%
I would continue to live as female without SRS but would consider an Orchidectomy 19%
I would not be particularly concerned as the actual operation is not that important to me 9%
I would revert to male mode rather than live in limbo 0%
I would consider suicide rather than live in limbo or revert to male mode 1%
Do others know of your cross dressing/ transsexualism?
other TGs at a support group 17% 30%
partner/ ex partner 84% 61%
some of your children 6% 10%
all of your children 5% 33%
mother 12% 43%
Father 6% 20%
Some of your sisters/ brothers 9% 6%
all of your sisters/ brothers 8% 34%
other family members 5% 23%
some friends/ neighbours 24% 35%
all / most of your friends/ neighbours 4% 21%
work colleagues 4% 30%
If you are now divorced/ separated, was your transgenderism a significant cause of the separation?
yes 38% 46%
Were you "cross dressing" or consider yourself to be TS when the relationship started ? TV TS
yes I was "cross dressing" - but did not consider myself to be TS when the relationship started 89% 80%
yes I considered myself to be TS when the relationship started 11%
no I neither considered myself to be TS and was not "cross dressing" when the relationship started 11% 8%
Of those Actively Dressing/TS when starting current relationship
she met you when dressed 4% 16%
Told her before the relationship/ dressing became significant 31% 18%
Told her later 54% 45%
she found out without you telling her 10% 22%
Partners reaction to
Cross dressing transsexualism
total rejection 10% 9% 15%
anger/ hurt that you kept it secret 20% 40% 36%
ultimatum that you seek help to stop or she would leave 5% 15% -
asked if you were gay 34% 62%
asked if you planned to have sex change 31% 47%
concern about what neighbours/ family would think 37% 45% 39%
asked that it be kept secret from your children 22% 42% 40%
she would prefer that you stop - but ignores it 17% 19% -
tolerance - providing she does not see you dressed and you are discrete 30% 28%
she asked intelligent questions and tried to understand 38% 0%
she sought help from other sources to understand the condition 12% 9% 9%
she sought counselling for herself 7% - -
acceptance; she has no significant problem with seeing you dressed but will not get involved 17% 9% -
actively involved, helps you with make up advice, shopping etc 19% 17% see below
total involvement - goes out with you dressed 16% 23%
extremely vindictive causing significant problems for you 13%
acceptance of the fact that you are TS and remains friends but not partners 19%
Has your partners attitude changed since learning about your cross dressing/ transsexualism
crossdressing transsexualism
Yes 56% 56% 61%
if yes has her attitude become
more tolerant/ understanding 73% 57% 71%
If her attitude has become more tolerant, how long did this take? TS - Transsexualism
less than 6 55%
6 to 12 months 18%
1 to 2 years 14%
2 to 3 years 5%
more than 3 years 9%
How would you describe your relationship now?
antagonistic 6%
cool. We talk politely when necessary 16%
Quite amicable 12%
Close Friends 12%
Living together as companions 20%
Living together as Partners 33%
To what extent do you cross dress:
TV only
when you dress, it is usually completely en femme or not at all 41%
as far as the circumstances permit at the time 47%
only ever underwear or other selected 4%
garments just wear female underwear even under male outer clothes 2%
clothes only - not make up/ wigs 7%
How often do you cross dress? TV Only
whenever you can - even for just a few minutes and circumstances only permit a few items 41%
frequently - but not just for a few minutes at a time 29%
only when it is possible to do so completely 31%
Is this: 3 or less times per year 8%
4-10 times per year 20%
Almost every week 32%
more than once a week on average 19%
most days/ every day 20%
What do you do when dressed:


Usually Sometimes Never
Use a professional "dressing" service 1% %17 76%
Go to an "enforced dressing/ male maid/ bondage" service 1% 6% 81%
Stay at home (or in hotel rooms etc) : 72% 17% 4%
Drive around - but avoid contact with others: 4% 46% 37%
Go to closed support groups: 3% 17% 67%
Go to TG tolerant venues : 8% 18% 60%
Go wherever you wish - out in public to non TG venues/ shopping etc 6% 22% 56%
Go out to seek sex with males/ other TVs etc 2% 14% 69%
If you go to an "enforced dressing/ male maid/ bondage" service, does being forced to dress relieve guilt you might otherwise feel about dressing?
TVs only
Yes, I feel less guilty being forced to dress. 0%
To some extent 0%
No - I still feel guilty 0%
No - I don't feel guilty about dressing in any case 71%
I have a pressure job and this is a way of relaxing - taking orders instead of constantly making decisions. Guilt or otherwise is not a factor 29%
When dressed have you ever been approached by males wanting to "chat you up" and possibly have sex with you?
Yes 34% 73%
if yes, how did you feel about this?
horrified 0% 3%
excited 41% 37%
nervous 41% 46%
flattered 66% 61%
it made you feel more feminine 53% 53%
did you encourage the approach or permit the person to join you? yes 47% 61%
How far did the contact go
you rejected the approach 33% 18%
he bought you a drink and you just chatted/ danced together 24% 20%
you allowed him to have minimal physical contact (holding hands etc) 0% 8%
"light petting" you kissed and touched each other - but not in the area of genitals 6% 15%
"heavy petting" 0% 0%
masturbation 3% 0%
oral sex 15% 17%
penetrative sex 18% 15%
you had a significant relationship with him 0% 7%
How did you feel after the first encounter?
disgusted 3% 0%
no problem - but it wasn't what you wanted 34% 26%
good - you enjoyed it and if it happened again, that would be fine 38% 55%
you looked forward to a repeat 6% 1%
you would actively seek a repeat 19% 17%
Have you had subsequent encounters? yes 68% 65%
what is the furthest you have gone?
chatting/ dancing together 8% 0%
minimal physical contact (holding hands etc) 0% 5%
"light petting" 8% 13%
"heavy petting" 4% 5%
masturbation 4% 8%
oral sex 20% 24%
penetrative sex 44% 34%
significant ongoing relationship 12% 11%
do you consider that there is a common root cause for all forms of transgenderism with other factors affecting the degree of transgenderism in an individual and how they express it
yes - I consider that all forms of transgenderism share a common root cause with other factors influencing the extent and way in which it is expressed 11% 30%
no - I believe that there are different basic causes for transvestism/ crossdressing/ drag queens and transgendered/ transsexualism 26% 21%
I think some expressions of transgenderism share common routes - but not all 41% 34%
I don't know/ have an opinion 23% 15%
do you think that our transgendered state is fixed or that we can tend to move from one state to another TV TS
fixed 15% 49%
it can change; TVs/CDs etc can become TS and TSs can revert to being TV 24% see below
it can change; TVs/CDs etc can become TS but TSs do not revert to being TV (although some TVs may have thought they were TS then realised that they were not) 31%
Fluid see above 51%
I have no opinion/ do not know 29% -
Considered causes of transgenderism (multiple answers acceptable) TV Responses TS Responses
Significant factor score Significant factor score
conditioning / the way we were brought up 70% 2nd 74% 3rd
genetic influences 73% 1st 82% 2nd
influences during the development of the foetus during pregnancy eg effect of testosterone 67% 3rd 77% 1st
other causes 21% 4th 15% 4th
I do not know/ have no opinion 21% - 2% -
Public's view of transvestism/ cross dressing
number of public responses to this question 5
TV /TS responses are what they believe the public thinks. This does not mean that those responding share these opinions What TVs believe the public thinks What TSs believe the public thinks Actual response from general public
disgusting 66% 65% 0%
sickness which can be cured 38% 45% 0%
should not be allowed in public 47% 72% 0%
should not be allowed near children 45% 69% 0%
ridiculous 57% 56% 0%
TVs are all gay 83% 75% 20%
do it to attract men for sex 33% 49% 20%
if that's what they want to do, let them get on with it - so long as I don't see it 36% 48% 20%
it's a sin 35% 47% 20%
not interested in understanding it 55% 61% 40%
a medical condition which should be accepted 16% 23% 40%
Public's view of transsexualism
number of public responses to this question 7
TV /TS responses are what they believe the public thinks. This does not mean that those responding share these opinions What TVs believe the public thinks What TSs believe the public thinks Actual response from general public
disgusting 36% 52% 0%
sickness which can be cured 22% 41% 0%
it's wrong to mutilate a healthy body by having sex change 41% 53% 14%
should not be allowed in public 21% 41% 0%
it's a sin 34% 47% 0%
they should not be allowed near children 30% 45% 0%
ridiculous 27% 42% 0%
they are all gay 49% 64% 14%
they do it to attract men for sex 25% 39% 14%
if that's what they want to do, let them get on with it - so long as I don't see it 20% 31% 14%
they are failed "men" 40% 53% 0%
whatever they do they'll never be real women 58% 62% 29%
Treatment should not be allowed on the National Health Service 33% 46% 14%
a medical condition which should be accepted 19% 26% 57%
Do you think attitudes to transvestism/ crossdressing have changed over the last 5 years TV TS
yes - it is significantly more accepted/ understood 22% 30%
a bit - but not much 72% 65%
Not at all 5% 5%
Do you think attitudes to transsexualism have changed over the last 5 years
yes - it is significantly more accepted/ understood 30% 49%
a bit - but not much 65% 48%
not at all 5% 4%
Is there more understanding by the general public of transsexualism than transvestism
Yes - there is more understanding of transsexualism than transvestism 36% 42%
No - there is more understanding of transvestism than transsexuality 6% 12%
There is no difference between understanding of transsexuality and transvestism 58% 46%
Would you agree or disagree with the view that
"Transsexualism is considered a medical condition - whilst transvestism/ cross dressing is seen as a perversion?"
TV TS Public
number of public responses to this question 7
strongly agree 8%
tend to agree 40% 14%
neither agree nor disagree 21% 0%
tend to disagree 16% 43%
strongly disagree 15% 43%
for TVs only
if you were offered a choice of "magic pills"
- one of which would enable you to change your body from male to female and back whenever you wanted
- the other would eliminate all your crossdressing desires permanently and leave you totally male, which would you take?

the pill to enable me to change physical sex whenever I wanted 87%
the pill to remove my crossdressing desires 4%
neither 10%
for TS only:
if you were offered a choice of "magic pills"
- one of which would enable you to change your body from male to completely female without the need for surgery/ hormones
- the other would eliminate all your transsexuality permanently and leave you totally male, which would you take?

the pill to enable me to change physical sex 96%
the pill to remove my transsexuality 2%
neither 1%
As far as you are aware, are any other blood members of your family transgendered (include grandparents, grandchildren, aunts/uncles & cousins)?
no 91% 84%
yes 5% 14%
I can't be certain - but I suspect others may be 8% 6%
Percentage of relations who are suspected to be TG 6% 5%
As far as you are aware, are any blood members of your family gay or lesbian (include grandparents, grandchildren, aunts/uncles & cousins)?
no 13% 27%
yes 13% 27%
I can't be certain - but I suspect others may be 14% 12%
Percentage of relations who are suspected to be Gay/Lesbian 12% 4%
How would you describe your Dressing Style
Day wear: I do not dress during the day 18%
Fetish: basques, leather, pvc etc 9%
Schoolgirl, Maids outfits, Nurses Uniforms or similar 3%
over the top - heavy make up; my skirts are NEVER more than 6 inches long and my heels never less than 4 inches high! 10%
casual mid length skirts/ jeans/ trousers 19%
smart - lady executive style 21%
depends where I am going, I like to blend in 20%
Evenings/ Clubs: I do not go out to clubs 49%
over the top - heavy make up; my skirts are NEVER more than 6 inches long and my heels never less than 4 inches high! 5%
Fetish: basques, leather, pvc etc 3%
bridal wear - ballgowns, maids outfits, schoolgirl etc 2%
sophisticated 9%
casual mid length skirts 8%
smart - lady executive style 6%
depends where I am going, I like to blend in 17%
Has your dressing style changed since you started? TV
not at all 17%
my basic style hasn't changed - but I've become more skilled at achieving the look I want 36%
Yes - I have more confidence now and experiment with different, more adventurous, looks 19%
I am now less inclined to wear OTT outfits - though I still go for a sexy look 8%
Yes - I used to wear sexy/OTT styles but I now go for a more sophisticated look 8%
Yes - I now go for a more casual look 12%
How do you feel when dressed (multiple answers appropriate)
Sexy 66%
Excited 57%
Scared 14%
Nervous 25%
Calm 42%
Relaxed 50%
At ease with myself 58%
Comfortable 70%
Happy 70%
Dressing doesn't make me feel any different 1%
I hate myself for doing it 0%
Do you masturbate (for TVs, do you masturbate when dressed?)
TV Female Male
I (almost) always/ frequently masturbate when dressed 21% -
I often masturbate (when dressed) 12% 25% 46%
I sometimes masturbate (when dressed) 38% 50% 41%
] I rarely masturbate (when dressed) 14% 0% 3%
I never masturbate (when dressed) 15% 13% 0%
Do you wear/use female clothing in order to masturbate TV
I (almost) always wear/use female clothing to masturbate 9%
I usually wear/use female clothing to masturbate 10%
I sometimes wear/use female clothing to masturbate 47%
I rarely wear/use female clothing to masturbate 32%
I never wear/use female clothing to masturbate 2%
What fantasies do you usually use when masturbating when dressed? TV
I imagine myself to be a woman with a man 46%
I imagine myself to be a woman with another woman in a lesbian situation 55%
I imagine myself to be with a man having gay sex 9%
I imagine myself to be forced to have gay sex with a man 9%
I imagine myself to be forced to have sex with a woman who has discovered that I am a TV 20%
I imagine myself to be a sex slave to a mixed group of women and men 13%
Do you consider that transvestites/ cross dressers give transsexuals a "bad name"
yes - their well deserved public image makes it more difficult for TSs 4%
yes - but their public image is undeserved 18%
yes - but this is due mainly to most of the public thinking all TVs/CDs are DQs 41%
no - I think the public realises there is a difference between TVs/CDs/DQs and transsexuals 38%
For UK girls only please: Are you being treated on the NHS or Privately?
Privately 45%
NHS 55%
Primary treatment is Private, but GP provides NHS support for: TS
Converts private prescriptions to NHS 67%
Blood tests 44%
Speech therapy 44%
Cosmetic Surgery 22%
Electrolysis 0%
Prepared to finance SRS 0%

NB. The general public responses are still far to low to be regarded as significant. As more than 100 TV/CD responses have been analysed, I believe that THESE give a fair indication of attitudes etc. It MUST however be born in mind where the fact that the responses have been collated soley from the Internet might skew the results - interest in science/ computing/ maths etc and possibly education. As you will have seen similarly high scores were obtained from the general public responses in this area.

I draw few conclusions from the survey results - except to reiterate my views that there is no evidence at all of common conditioning / nurturing causes of TGism.

It has frequently been suggested that female influences may have triggered TGism. Yet the survey shows clearly that a higher % of TGs consider their chilhood influences to have been primarily male than non - TG males do.

The figures for TGs who suffered abuse, who had unstable childhoods and were generally "unhappy" during childhood are hardly significantly different to non-TG males either.

I am encouraged by the number of TGs who are "out" to their partners and the reactions reported.

I am also encouraged by the (albeit extremely limited) answers given by the public to their attitudes to TGism. Perhaps, if these figures are typical, attitudes are changing. Our own assessment of the public's attitude could well be some years behind this improved situation.

I INTEND to update the figures in this summary at intervals of approximately 100 responses from TGs. I currently have a further 100+ responses to analyse and enter. Each return involves around 5 minutes work. As I have very recently started work again after a period of unemployment, My time is rather more limited than it has been. Please bear with me if these updates take a while to come through.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the survey and for your interst in the results.

Helen Dale My Pages:
Personal Pages - Including my views of what makes us TG
Vanity Fair for wigs, beard cover, nails & jewellery - Now with a range of TG books!
Vanity Club UK - Girls Just Like to Have Fun!