Winchester Archaeological Survivors Group Noticeboard

This site aims to help the process, started by Megan and Pam of re connecting those that worked on the digs in and around Winchester during the 1970's.  First we went to Winchester, next to  Washington, on to Fort Worth ,to San Francisco, then back to Winchester moving on to New York, London in 2016, Calgary in July 2018. Next will beNew Orleans in 2021 (or 2), on we dance....

Can we put back all those shards of memory back together again to make up a coherent story ? We did ! (more or less, sometimes we had to knock the corners off). Now we have new memories.

Troweling back the years ?  Many of the pictures have been reduced so as to load more quickly - not so much of a challenge as it used to be.

We have a group on facebook -'Winchester Diggers Reunited'.



April/May 2004, Winchester

June 2012 Winchester again

February 2008, Fort Worth

 October 2010, San Francisco

May/June 2006,Washington

June 2014, New York

June 2016, London July 2018, Calgary  

Latest News

Youtube One Two Three

Latest recovered old photos


Untitled 1