The Rossendale Rambler



Shock news that the government agreed to introduce a statutory right to roam over open countryside in England and Wales broke just too late to be included in the last edition of the ‘Rambler’ and whilst the issue may well be old hat by now, I still think it worthwhile mentioning because of all the sterling work that was done by rambler groups all over the country. We must now wait for the endless negotiations to begin but in the meanwhile, the presumption is for access. All those of you who wrote to your MP will by now have received the reply and if your MP is Janet Anderson, you will also have been sent a comprehensive document outlining the government’s framework for action in respect of implementation.

Hand-in-hand with this freedom to roam goes the need to take care of the land which has been opened up for us; there are to be common-sense restrictions to meet the needs of the land owners who manage it. But access it is - great!


Whilst last year’s attendance left much to be desired, we are once more sallying forth to try and make this year’s event bigger and better! Alan Johnson and Reg Rattan have devised a shortish walk of about four miles maximum, which will take in one of the railway tunnels in The Glen. We hope that this will attract kids to take part by adding an element of ‘exploration’ to the event. We hope that torches will be brought to the walk so that every nook and cranny of the disused tunnel can be examined. There will also be a competition for small prizes which will involve finding specified items of flora or fauna etc.

The event is on Sunday June 27th and everyone is welcome. Bring your children or grandchildren and lets have some fun! We will be meeting at Kay Street Car Park at 10.30 a.m. and will then travel to the car park in the centre of Waterfoot. The local press have promised to cover the event. See you there.


With this newsletter you should find a green sheet which we ask you to fill in and return to the address on the first page of the form. I am aware that the questions involve cyclist and horse riders but bridleways are for walkers too and there is a good reason why walkers are not mentioned. What we ask you to do is to respond positively by indicating that if these extra ways were to be made available, you would use them. We need maximum response to the survey or else the scheme will not be allocated a Sports Council grant and therefore will not get off the ground. See the Free Press on 28th May for more details.


The walk listed for Sunday July 11th was supposed to be an ascent of Grisedale Pike by Graham Fletcher but because he has retired from the group, the walk will now be a 15 mile linear one from Haslingden to Whalley, led by Richard Sumner. It should be very interesting and includes a diversity of terrain. Return to the area will be by public transport from Whalley at 4.20 p.m. Meet at Kay St. Car Park at 8.30 a.m. Because this is a special walk, it was thought those on it might like to donate, say a fiver, to club funds. This would not, of course, be compulsory. As always, walks are free and will remain so.


I am appealing again for bric-a-brac for a car boot sale to raise money towards funds. I got no offers last time but please have a root round to see what you can find and give me a ring on 01706 228681 or 0973 439546 if you find something suitable. I will be happy to come and collect it.


In the last issue we had a caption competition asking you what the three lonely old men were saying. I was a bit disappointed that there were only about ten entries but the winning one was by Lily Driver who said "Trig points are alright but they don’t point the way to the Griffin!" Congrats Lily, the socks are on their way.

The other prize was the rucksack, kindly donated, with the socks, by Keith Dawson. First ticket out was Alan Johnson’s but he declined. It was then won by Doug Morris, who gave it to Mary Taylor - what gentlemen. The slide show was excellent and about £20 was raised for club funds.


Fell and Mountain Logo

Fell and Mountain now have the new Brasher Ridgemaster boot in stock and what a cracker it is! After hearing the list of complaints about the Hillmaster version I was a bit wary of spending my money. The new boot however has a sole of a slightly harder composition making it wear better and it also gives more support at the edge. The cracking at the bottom eyelet has also been eliminated, so I’m told, by moving the eyelet slightly. It also comes much higher up the ankle. At £130 its not cheap but even without the discount its worth the money.

Keith Dawson the owner of Fell and Mountain has told me to tell you that there’s also 20% off trekking poles at the moment.

....STOP PRESS....


The planning application has now been lodged for the wind farm on Hogshead Law Hill. The exact site is Reaps Moss. Nine 1 MW turbines, each 236 feet high to rotor tip, will cover an area of one square kilometer. Five of the turbines will be within 50 to 60 metres of the Rossendale Way. Construction will take 6 months and access for vehicles will be via Limersgate. For further information, contact Jean Johnson on 01706 877521.

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Walter Waide
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Content Copyright © 1998. Walter Waide