The Rossendale Rambler


by Harry Ashworth

"Don't you ever drink the water," my mother used to say, "its full of poisons." Like everything else in my youth, all was black or white and life was easy. Alas, it is only when you grow older and you realise that there are varying shades of grey, difficult decisions to be made and that life gets much more complicated.

When you are parched on a hot, summer walk and your water container has run dry, is it safe to drink the water from the mountain streams ?

It all depends on the particular stream ! It is probably reasonable to assume that the water is safe to drink if you are taking it from a stream high up on a mountain, above any habitation or livestock. However, once you start drinking from valley systems, things are not so obvious.

The problem is that the clarity of a water supply says very little about how safe it is to drink. Even if it is crystal clear, it may contain invisible contaminates that can cause diarrhoea, dysentery or worse.

If there are any dead animals upstream, then obviously it is wise to find an alternative source. Sadly many people will throw anything into a river so steer clear of areas where people have been camping. Streams and rivers that run beside popular footpaths are also best avoided.

Once you are happy that a stream is all right to drink from, look for a place where the water flows quickly, preferably over a rocky step which will filter out any grit, twigs or other larger objects. Avoid water that is lying still in a pool as all manner of bacteria could be growing in it. If you are unsure of the water but are desperate for a drink, then you can purify it by either boiling, chemical treatment or filtration.

Filtration is the best method as it is fast and leaves the water tasting reasonably all right. The disadvantage is that you need to carry a water filter with you and these can be a little heavy and bulky .

Boiling water for at least five minutes will kill all the dangerous organisms but you need a camping stove, pan and some spare time.

Chemical additives such as iodine and chlorine are lightweight and simple to use but the treated water tastes awful.

Well there you are, to drink or not to drink - that is the question. The decision is yours ! Me - what would I do ? I like to keep life simple and uncomplicated, black or white. I reckon I was given sound advice in my youth. I always like to follow it.

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