The Rossendale Rambler

Come to Scotland and other Invitations



by Richard Sumner.

The far Highlands draw me ever back -
Do come with me this time.
For you'll yearn to be in some wild cloudy place
When sunshine shafts through, and colours leap with the heart,
And thrill !
I know there'll be days when rain thrashes the mountain sides
And the burns swell and the waterfalls pound
Into creamy giants, defying progress,
Or Autumn days when the ruddy grasses glow in rich sunlight,
The scrawny rowans clinging in cloughs are ablaze with red berries,
And the rutting stags roar through the glens...
But Maytime is the best, when the sweet morning air is fresh and cool and clean,
When the last dusting of icing sugar snow on the mountain tops brings no fear,
And the crystal streams cascade clear blue into deep turquoise pools in the bright sun,
Their banks are jewelled with a fragrant salad of bedstraws, trefoil and thyme,
And you feel as young and as eager as the northern summer days are long....
Come with me in May.

Richard Sumner and Walter Waide as well as a small, but hopefully growing, band of local ramblers will be travelling to Roy Bridge in the Western Highlands in May to enjoy a few days of mountain walking. We will be staying in the Bunkhouse in Roy Bridge which is a basic but comfortable and cheap venue, giving lots of scope for a variety of walks.

This is by no means an 'official' Ramblers Association trip but if anyone is interested in going along they should give Richard a ring to get further details of the walks he has planned and transport needs. It is hoped to share transport, thus sharing costs and keeping the price as low as possible.

Richard hopes that the above poem, which he wrote whilst thinking about the trip, will inspire others to make the trip. He and Walter are going whatever happens but if you want to come along........


Every Tuesday three dedicated men make their weary trek to the hostelry known as the Griffin Inn on Hud Rake in Haslingden. They do this selflessly and in spite of the pull from the loved ones they leave behind.

Arriving at the venue at around 9.30 p.m. they scan the interior of the hostelry in the vain hope that they will see there others of similar perambulatory interests but each week they sit there, shoulders shaking with grief and drowning their sorrows in beer. True, it is the finest brewed-on-the-premises ale available in the whole of Christendom but then they have made a considerable sacrifice by being there in the first place.

Perhaps one day Richard, Frank and Walter will meet someone? Can you help? Are you the one who can put some meaning into the lives of these three wretched men? If you can but just don't know how to, ring Walter on 228681 and end the misery.

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Walter Waide
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Content Copyright © 1998. Walter Waide