Crossword No 19 (fourth series)

                10    11 
12                  13                     
14                      15                 
16            17  18          19            20 
21        22  23    24              25         
26                    27              28     
30    31      32                  33         
34        35      36        37  38    39         
40            41      42        43             
44                      45                 
46                              47         

Clues across
1Stupid people posed awkwardly (5)
4Inhabitant of country overrun by Hitler chokes vocal Nazi in a rage (15)
12State of being prepared to study one headland (9)
13Wicked, making toughies run (11)
14Condition of living side-by-side in riotous exotic scene (11)
15Matchless plane iron gets twisted (9)
16Wild oranges for wild asses (7)
18English powder thrown back, producing rapturous applause (5)
19Second hearing about test (7)
21Smile at first of demonstrators in crush (5)
23Girl turns round to steer after changing sizes of wheels (9)
25Operatic heroine about to copy another (5)
26Too many to count going without anaesthetic (10)
27Coal, oil?  Big changes concerned with life sciences (10)
30He's in bar, but coming back for period of drying-out (5)
32Oil, gas?  Half of nature is upset.  Things aren't what they used to be! (9)
33Small role in film came to nothing (5)
34Listless, putting cover over a broken gun (7)
36I'm past stage of insect development (5)
38Zap tree, maybe, to make swing (7)
40I hope Inca will recreate this old civilisation (9)
42It's very light; this town holds light-emitting diode (11)
44Making flesh in country devoted to automobiles? (11)
45After falling out, agreed on a drink (9)
46Rely on arbutuses when working underground (15)
47Find shelter in street from cold, wet precipitation (5)
Clues down
1Member of board (nothing special) is chief executive (8-7)
2Here you can view the heavens or ruminate, perhaps, after seeing most of play (11)
3Wrongly sued around here in France, causing one to commit this? (7)
4A short spell of cold followed by warmth produces a twister (5)
5Distillation from German city overthrowing European Community (7)
6Royal dynasty takes off – too many of these buzzing about? (10)
7Toughening up, then gent grins crookedly (13)
8Instrument to make you groan (5)
9Draw in a pamphlet, we're told (7)
10Atomic property – I miss Rome when it explodes (9)
11Found in bananas Alice bought – it's to do with the nose (5)
17Pushed out, Denis pops up round cooked-meat shop (9)
19Sum of vector quantities concerning Muslim leader sitting on throne, initially (9)
20Organisation controlling pub, or vicinity? (5,10)
22We get grabbed by girl coming out – a nerd! (5)
24Murder two fools in leaderless country (13)
25Wise men heading towards capital of China display supernatural power (5)
28Hold act of remembrance like French, with first of ministers to speak (11)
29No sonatina gets played in this US city (3,7)
31Well-proportioned taxi, we hear, is a Victorian vehicle (6,3)
35Disconcert strange nun attending Queen on day war ended in Europe (7)
37Portending evil, start with nothing, then take away nothing inside (7)
39Retaliates, spreading nerve gas.  Not right! (7)
40Noses into other people's business to get award, we hear (5)
41Seat in church with atmosphere (5)
43Today, one character moves up a place – the creep! (5)

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