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HPCdbExplorer for Microsoft WindowsCE®

One of the first things I did after installing my new Handheld PC was to snoop around and see what there was pre-installed. While browsing I located a folder "\Databases" but could not access the files in any way so just accepted that these files were listed but inaccessible. I later learned that this is where all the information held within the Pocket Outlook applications resides.

After a while the day-to-day grind of installing and removing all manner of trial products takes its toll and you begin to realise that the "\Databases" folder is growing out of control. It was after I had reached this conclusion that I started to look for a utility for deleting these unwanted entries and managed to find one or two freeware/shareware packages on the Internet. But, I needed more! What is inside these databases? What is the format? Can I edit them? Can I delete the contents? Can I...? Can I ......?

Enter HPCdbExplorer from PhatWare Corporation.

PhatWare's HPCdbExplorer v1.3 - Install Splash Graphic

Here we have a product which sets out to be the number one utility for maintaining the in-built WindowsCE database files. HPCdbExplorer operates in a similar way to the native WindowsCE Explorer application but tailored for the database files and adds functions such as: Backup, Copy, Delete, Rename, Restore, and Transfer. The explorer style views offer small or large icons or a detailed list and the view maybe sorted by Date, Name, Size or Type in ascending or descending order.


HPCdbExplorer was supplied as a single ".ZIP" that when extracted yields a dozen or so installation files. This should have at least been a self-extracting archive which automatically ran the set-up routine.

Launching the SETUP.EXE application creates all the necessary files within the CE Services folder to be able to complete the install using CE Services' "Application Manager". During the blasting of the application over to the WindowsCE device, the user may select whether to accept the default installation directory or specify some other location such as a "Storage Card".

On completion there is an Icon created directly on the desktop (-1 bonus point for this) and an entry in the "Start/Programs/" section of the Start Menu.

The very first time HPCdbExplorer is run, the user is given the option of either entering the registration code or running the application in Demo Mode.


HPCdbExplorer may be launched either by double-tapping the new HPCdbExplorer Icon on the desktop or selecting "Start/Programs/Accessories/HPCdbExplorer".

PhatWare's HPCdbExplorer v1.3 - Desktop Icon

PhatWare's HPCdbExplorer v1.3 - Main Explorer Screen

The user interface is very similar to the WindowsCE Explorer but without the address bar. A database may be selected by tapping and multiple databases can be selected by tapping in combination with the <Shift> or <Ctrl> keys. All columns may be dragged to size with the stylus or sorted into ascending or descending order by tapping the column title. This makes it very quick to get to grips with the application as navigation is second nature.

Help Support

The online help system consists of 3 files located in the "\Windows" folder and despite every dialogue possessing a "?" help button, the help is not context-sensitive. Even so, each feature is covered in turn making this a good on-line manual for the product.

System Requirements

Installation Windows 95/NT Desktop PC
Installs to Flash card? Yes
Processor ARM, MIPS or SH3
OS Windows CE 2.0 or above
H/PC supported? Yes
H/PC Pro supported? Yes
P/PC supported? Yes
Storage memory required (Program Folder) 73 Kb
Storage memory required (Windows Folder) 6 Kb
Program memory required 100 Kb
Color Supported? Yes

Problem Areas

As far as application "Faults" there is little wrong with HPCdbExplorer. It is a tidy utility which takes the WindowsCE Explorer metaphor and extends it to the area Microsoft chose to leave out (Databases). Whilst the program functions well, great care must be exercised as there is danger of losing a great deal of information if this is used carelessly.

Looking forward, there are four areas I would like to see improved:-

  1. The HPCdbExplorer integrated into WindowsCE Explorer, or at least adding an address bar into which you could skip across to a standard file or website.
  2. Export to Pocket Excel.
  3. An import function to read back ".CSV" files previously modified in a spreadsheet.
  4. A way of viewing/editing the contents of the databases. This could either be built in or used via Pocket Excel.

Whilst these shortcomings do not affect the products rating, the nature of WindowsCE development is such that an enhanced competitor's product will be just around the corner.


HPCdbExplorer is a competent application which should appeal to three types of WindowsCE user:-

  1. The user who spends a great deal of time on the road away from the desktop PC. Backups can be made in situ and stored on one or more external memory cards or even e-mailed back to the office for additional security.
  2. The user who is constantly adding and removing applications. There are far too many small applications that fail to remove their obsolete databases when they have been uninstalled. Without an application such as HPCdbExplorer, these databases would eventually use all the available free memory on the device.
  3. The tech-head or nerd! The user who cannot leave anything alone and needs to know how things work and fit together. They are the people who open up a new PC before plugging it in to try it out.

The price is right and the potential user-base is broad - this should be a winner. Whilst there is room for improvement, this is a credible application and will remain so as long as there is a fair scheme for trading up to newer and better versions as they come on stream. There will be imitators, but PhatWare are already off the starting blocks and running full-tilt down the track. Don't look back, Seek & Destroy - Embrace & Extend!

Price $19.95 (USD)
Contact PhatWare Corp.
Rating 4 out of 6

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