Engineering & Science

Cores and Core Logging for Geologists

Graham A. Blackbourn, Senior Partner, Blackbourn Geoconsulting, Edinburgh

242 × 174 mm; 120pp; paperback
70 illustrations;
ISBN 1-870325-25-7
Description -|- Contents -|- Reviews
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The only book available to provide a thorough account of coring methods and the interpretation of data gathered from core observation and analysis. All the techniques necessary for cutting and recovering cores; wellsite handling and logging; recognition of coring damage; laboratory analysis; logging and sampling; preservation and storage are covered. Logging and interpretation are dealt with in detail. Emphasis is laid throughout on those features most important to the economic development of geological resources.
The book will prove invaluable for those working with cores and anyone who uses information derived from them. With this large format, well-illustrated book, a full understanding of procedures, core damage and its prevention, core analysis and interpretation can be achieved.
Academics, oil company geologists and sedimentologists; sedimentological contractors; geotechnical engineers, engineering and mining geologists and hydrogeologists.

Introduction -|- Drilling and coring methods -|- Core handling -|- Core logging -|- Core analysis and testing -|- Interpretation and preparation of final logs -|- Core preservation and storage.

What the reviews say:

' excellent standard reference for the geo-scientist'.
Marine and Petroleum Geology

'I thoroughly recommend this book to all geologists working with cores and, in particular, to those responsible for core storage and handling.'
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

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