Korg Triton v2.0 Press Release

This new release builds on the features of the TRITON and incorporates user-feedback as well.

The major new additions in OS version 2.0 enhance the sampling section of the TRITON. Time Slice is a function that analyzes a sampled loop or phrase and then cuts it up into smaller segments.It then creates a new multisample and Program, which it places into the Sequencer along with the required track data to play the part. This allows the user to change the tempo of the phrase without affecting the pitch, or change the pitch while maintaining the tempo. Time Stretch is another major tool for matching the tempo/length of sampled phrases. TRITON Version 2.0 gives the user fully-editable control over this function, and can integrate both slicing and compression/expansion into the same process if desired. The last major sampling addition is CrossFade Looping, which is essential for looping complex sounds like ensemble instruments without any clicks or pops at the loop point.

Other sequencing enhancements in Version 2.0 include improvements to Track Looping, RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play and Record) phrase assigning, and working with Song Templates. Interface enhancements include Full Zoom In/Out buttons, and the ability to use the value keys when scrolling through sound lists in the TouchView display.

For more information contact Korg at www.korg.com.