Nathan's Web Site


About Me

My Elise

My Holidays



Mail Me

Welcome to my Web site.

Me at Thruxton.jpg (55798 bytes)

Well this is my first attempt at writing a web page so you'll have to excuse me if it looks a bit bland!

I believe in the old saying that a picture speaks a thousand words, so I've duly used a lot of pictures and a little text. This is also a good excuse for me as I'm not that good a writer. Ah the joys of spell check. I've tried to keep the images small so that the pages will load quicker, but if you have any problems please let me know.

All the pictures on this web site are available individually. If you want a copy, just send me an email stating the image name, and please notify me before you put one (or more) on your web site, after all if you're going to make money out of it maybe I should get a share :-)

If you have any comments or suggestions about my web site then send me an e-mail. I would be grateful for any advice you might have.

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This site was last updated on 21/03/99.

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