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... some more references to Harry Potter

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logic technology trust truth
Muggle Ontology The resemblance between technology and magic has been remarked by a number of writers, and provides a series of running jokes in the Harry Potter books. (Wizards cannot cope with the telephone, but communicate instead using owls and fireplaces.)

Wizards are generally distrustful or scornful of muggle technology. Witness Mrs Weasley's reaction when Mr Weasley experiments with "alternative" (=muggle) treatment for his wounds.

The Harry Potter books provide some excellent illustrations of some important issues in relation to Trust and Security. Expecto Petroleum - What can the directors of Royal Dutch Shell learn from Harry Potter?

veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Harry Potter and the OilFields of Azerbaijaan

veryard projects > people > harry potter > expecto petroleum

The directors of Shell need to learn a new spell. When tormented by Investors (a dark creature that sucks out your CEO), lift up your wand, think of a Happy Memory, and invoke: EXPECTO PETROLEUM.
more Shell

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This page last updated on July 4th, 2004
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