Introduction To Poemspotters


Due for publication in early 2003 by Hopscotch Educational Publishing this exciting book will be in all the shops and advertised in all schools.


An exciting new project aimed at understanding and writing poetry.


There are two main parts to Poemspotters: The Poetry Form Posters and the Creativity Manual. The whole thing has a collectors, ‘Gotta Catch ‘Em All’ kind of a feel when used in it’s entirety.  Poemspotters is however very adaptable and further information is available herewith.


The posters cover around thirty different poetry forms in a simple easy to grasp way and are designed for display. Each poster has an eye-catching description of its form followed by further depth; Helpful tips and interesting facts. These are to be placed around the walls and viewed and discussed.


You can then read a selection of poems to your class and see who can spot form from the information around them. There are example poems for each form, many of which have been especially written.

(Poets include Roger McGough and SuAndi - more details upon confirmation)


The Creativity Manual is part of the same ‘check list’ process. There are over 200 ideas to get you writing within the manual. The challenge is, to see how many ideas and how many poetry forms you can use, ticking them off as you go. There is also an activity sheet with each poem poster.


At the end of a term (preferable) you can see how many you have covered, either the individual or the whole class.


Poemspotters could have a far-reaching influence on the future of poetry! As well as being unique in its contents and in its approach, Poemspotters has been designed for presentation to teachers. In the trial presentation alone thirty teachers received the package. Think of the number of children who will be taught during those thirty careers! It is a fair bet that one of those children, in later life, will develop a whole new poetry form (A teacher pointed out that kids do that every week!), that another will be a famous writer and it is a certainty that over 90% of them will go on to write poetry in their own time.


Poemspotters will be useful for adults and children alike. If you want to experiment with a wide range of poetry forms without having to scour through huge piles of weighty tomes then this is the book for you.



The poetry forms:  Alphabet poems - Blank Verse – Chants - Choral poems – Cinquain - Conversation poems – Couplet – Englyn – Epitaphs – Elegies – Epigrams - Free Verse – Haiku – Kenning – Limerick – Clerihews - List poems – Metaphor – Simile - Near Rhyme - Nonsense Verse - Performance Poetry – Prayer – Rap – Riddles – Sestina - Shape poems - Concrete poems – Calligrams – Tanka - Thin poems


Presentations for teachers or pupils are available - via Tantara Arts
