Skiing in Le Marche

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The Sibillini mountains provide good skiing, whether it be on piste or cross country and visitors to Sei Camini go skiing at Sassotetto, near Sarnano (approximately) 40 minutes drive from the house and, adjacent to it, is the resort of Pintura near Bolognola.

Further afield are the resorts of Frontignano near Ussita and Monte Prata near Castel San Angelo sul Nera.

Click the following for photographs of skiing in the Sibillini:

Skiing Photographs and Photographs Provided by Filipo!

The following table shows the facilities at each resort:

Sassotetto                 7 ski-lifts, 1 cable car

Pintura                       8 ski-lifts

Frontignano                7 ski-lifts, 4 chair lifts, 1 cable car

Monte Prata               4 ski-lifts

The pistes are of varying length and difficulty but are easily accessible and, unlike more commercial regions, when we were there over the Christmas period, there were no queues at the ski-lifts!

In addition there are the beautiful cross country skiing courses at Piani di Ragnolo and Piano Perduto and, for the more adventurous and skilful, there is to be found in the Sibilline challenging sites for the sport of mountain skiing.