Wings Special
is a special Saturn-only remix of all three
'Sonic Wings'
shooters - which were known as 'Aerofighters'
in the West. The original Sonic
Wings/Aerofighters was an impressive for its era
arcade vertical 'warplane' shmup which went on to
inspire the almost-identical Strikers 1945
series by Psikyo. In fact I've a feeling that the
same programming team were in fact responsible
for both series.. The game sees you taking on the
role of a number of bizarre but rather endearing characters
from the USA, Japan, Russia, Sweden, NATO and
something called the P.K.F. (?) and features
globe-spanning episodes from the original Sonic
Wings arcade game as well as Sonic Wings 2 and 3
(both Neo-Geo/Arcade releases). Thankfully an
arcade-format 'vertical mode' IS available and
multiple routes/endings, a large variety of
planes (depending on your character - new
'secret' ones become available for each character
when you complete the game with each one), a
'Time Attack' feature and a two player mode add
replay value. Though now a little dated (the
original Aerofighters is nearly 10 years old)
Sonic Wings Special should appeal to those (like
me) who enjoyed the original arcade game as well
as Strikers 1945 fans, and it's quite probably
the only shoot em up where you are able to play
as a Dolphin Pilot. Oh yes.. if anyone's
interested you also get an 'official' pop CD sung
by foxy pilot-babe Mao-Mao.
(Hmm..stick to flying dear..)