After completing the first scenario you get a choice of which area to tackle next..

The canyon stage, where devious baddies disguised as bushes attempt to thwart you. Some lovely parallax scrolling here, and check out those dino remains and the strange double moons on the horizon..

Aha..a seemingly innocuous sub-boss is revealed after a bit of blasting to be..


..another mechanical baddie! When will it ever end??!


More sub-bosses as you reach the canyon floor, this time in the form of strange mechanical flying creatures with BIG guns


And speaking of big guns..take a look at this blighter.. not the kind of thing you expect to be trundling around in the desert in 19th century America eh?


Yikes! Who put that flame-thrower there? Evasive action called for methinks...

..another bad guy bites the dust.. along with a little victory pose from our plucky heroine..

Head onwards Buckeroos to Stage 3
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