Digestive problems are often at the root of many chronic health conditions in modern life.

In a recent survey at Better Health, we found that nearly 66% of people had experienced some kind of bowel symptom over the last week. These symptoms included bloating, wind, constipation, diarrhoea, stomach discomfort, and others.

These digestive / bowel problems may lead to conditions such as skin problems, breathing problems, low energy, hormone problems and many others.

Bowel cleansing is often an important part of treating these many conditions.

As many toxins are released or eliminated through the bowel, any congestion here, or any degree of constipation, will lead to a build up of toxins in the bowel.

In addition, toxins building up in the bowel as a result of dysbiosis, or Candida, can enter into the circulation, via the enterohepatic circulation – the blood flowing from the bowel to the liver.

The liver also is an organ of detoxification and elimination, and is also a digestive organ, producing bile juices. This build up of toxins affects the liver, leading to further difficulties in the removal of toxins from the body.

The build up of toxins in the body can lead to these various skin conditions, breathing problems, and so on.

Bowel cleansing is achieved by the use of a number of herbal medicines, and is often an integral part of many of the treatment programmes advised by Better Health.

The herbal medicines we often use include J29, J30 herbal formulations, or Slippery Elm – see later.

Certain treatments – such as Colonic Hydrotherapy – may also be used for bowel cleansing.


Colonic Hydrotherapy is becoming more and more common, amongst men as well as women.

More and more is being written in the various health journals, and even in newspapers, such as the Mirror, who recently included the article below regarding men and Colonic Hydrotherapy.

Colonic Hydrotherapy has been carried out at the Better Health Clinic for a number of years, and has always been provided by qualified nurses.

We also use one of the most modern methods of treatment, rather than depending on the old-fashioned – and less safe – gravity feed method of treatment.

Colonic Hydrotherapy using modern devices allows the practitioner to monitor factors such as temperature and pressure, in addition to providing advanced filtration of the water used. It also has safeguards that shut down the system if there is an unacceptable change in the water temperature or pressure. None of these safeguards are available with the gravity feed systems.

Colonic Hydrotherapy can help benefit a number of conditions, including bowel problems, skin problems, breathing problems, and many others.

We use Colonic Hydrotherapy in conjunction with many other therapies and treatments at the Clinic, such as herbal medicine, nutritional therapy and others to bring you the best in Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

The strength of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the secret of our success, is in this synergistic combination of various treatment modalities under the supervision of our experienced practitioners.

Bowel cleansing is often used as part of the treatment for skin problems, such as eczema, acne or psoriasis.

Some patients with psoriasis have found that their condition has cleared completely following bowel cleansing.

However, skin conditions are caused by a number of factors, and bowel cleansing may only be one of a number of treatment modalities needed.

At Better Health we always start with a comprehensive assessment prior to recommending a treatment programme, which is based on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

In skin conditions, it may be important to assess the nutritional status, hormone balance, the presence of toxins, and the functional status of the bowel or liver.

Conventional tests are notoriously unhelpful in skin conditions, and the treatment is mostly based on suppressive therapy, such as the use of steroids.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine has much to offer those with skin conditions, and often gives rise to complete resolution of the problem, once the underlying cause has been discovered.

Treatment can however take some time, occasionally up to 10 or 12 weeks before results are seen.

During these weeks it is important to stick with the treatment regime as closely as possible – be consistent and persistent – and you will usually get good long-term results.


A nutritional assessment forms a fundamental basis in the assessment of skin conditions.

Skin conditions will often respond to fairly basic nutritional therapy, such as changes to the diet, or the use of certain nutritional supplements.

Nutritional assessments at Better Health are carried out using the BEST system.

The BEST system uses certain points on the skin to assess the levels of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids or amino acids in the body.

It can detect when there is a deficiency in these nutrients, and helps rationalise the use of nutritional supplements.

In skin problems, many nutrients are important, including B vitamins, especially folic acid which is necessary for tissue healing, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, especially GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), and minerals such as zinc.

Food intolerance testing may also be a part of a wider assessment, as many skin conditions may be aggravated by an intolerance to many foods, in particular dairy or wheat (gluten).

Comprehensive assessment of skin problems is available at Better Health, and this forms the basis for the recommendation of a treatment programme.

Children, as well as adults, can benefit from assessment and treatment, and often respond more readily.

Further information is available from Better Health.

Better Health produce a number of specialised, advanced nutritional, herbal and homoeopathic products.

All are tried and tested, and are based on sound theoretical principles and rigorous research.

Slippery Elm has a long tradition in its use for a number of bowel conditions.

This includes conditions of the upper gastrointestinal tract in addition to the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Conditions that may be helped by Slippery Elm include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease, including Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis
  • Diverticular Disease
  • Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer
  • Indigestion / Heartburn

It may also act to soothe the stomach to protect against travel sickness, and even against ‘hangover’ after festivities.

For its full effect, Slippery Elm must be taken in a particular way. It should be taken between meals – away from food – with one, or ideally two, large glasses of water.

Taken in this way, Slippery Elm will produce its greatest protective effect upon the gastrointestinal tract.

It can be taken as a powder – or gruel – although the taste and consistency makes it difficult to take in this way. It is much easier to take as capsules – or tablets – which dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract.

The greatest benefit of Slippery Elm over many other herbs that help the bowel is that it can help with both constipation and diarrhoea. It has a balancing effect upon the bowel, depending upon the need.

It may also be used in conjunction with other bowel cleansing herbs, for example in the treatment of bowel dysbiosis, or Candidiasis.

Slippery Elm capsules are available from Better Health at a very competitive cost.

Further details are available from Better Health.


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