Welcome to www.expatsinsaudiarabia.com

For those of you who are already in my yahoo expats club, you'll know what this website is and what I'm trying to do. For those who don't know me, I live in and work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for British Aerospace. I train RSAF, Royal Saudi Air Force, technicians the fine art of fixing fast military jets, namely the GR1 Tornado at a military airbase near Khamis Mushayt. If you would like to go along and have a look at the club, maybe even join, you'll find a lot of people already have and are enjoying the experiences of others who have been in Kingdom for a while and will be able to help with any questions you may have with regard to living and working in Saudi Arabia. Just click this link expatsinsaudiarabia yahoo club

I do this fast jet fixing just outside Khamis Mushayt town. I can't show you any photographs of it for security reasons. Let me just say that it's very big and has a lot of aircraft. As well as the Tornado's I work on, we also have some F15's and the Apache attack helicopter. I think that's about all I can get away with here I think. So that's all your getting :o)

So that's a little about me. Now about this website. The yahoo club has been running for a couple of years now and contains a wealth of information that you would otherwise have to trawl the net looking for. Basically, questions that you want fast answers to and answered by people that are actually in Kingdom and know what they are talking about. No holds barred, the truth and nothing but the truth. Because of this, I have decided to try and put all this wealth of information on one page that can be easily navigated via links. As the clubs expands I'll add the information here.

This has two advantages, which I can see anyway. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, a lot of the FAQ's will be right here at your fingertips. Secondly, if you have any queries or you don't fully understand something that you have seen here, you'll be able to ask someone in the club and get an immediate answer. If you would like to e-mail me directly, please feel free to do so. I know there may be some questions that you may not want to be public. Anyway, here's my e-mail address. leckie1uk@expatsinsaudiarabia.com

OK then, enough of all this text. What would you like to know? Just click one of this links below and you'll find out :o)

These links will be updated as required

© Copywrite www.expatsinsaudiarabia.com 2001